A More Light Congregation

Bethany Presbyterian Church

This Week in Worship

Facebook Live Worship - Sunday at 10:00

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September 27, 2020

Reverend Debra McGuire


Music Director - Jessica Reddell-Popovich

Liturgist: Elder Tamra Hollenbeck

“When I walk through thy woods, may my right foot and my left foot be harmless to the little creatures that move in its grasses: as it is said by the mouth of thy prophet, They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain.”   ~ Rabbi Moshe Hakotun



Centering Prayer

Great God, we seek your face as we gather for worship.  Surround us with the power of your presence and fill us with the joy of understanding.  Though our lives are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes, we thank you for the gift of each moment.  Help us to know the good that is ours to do.  From the mist of our lives, may we gladly give many cups of cold water in your name.  Amen. 1


Introit          “Any Dream Will Do”         Andrew Lloyd Webber

Call to Worship

Here, in this place, God welcomes all the dreamers, as well as the doubters: here, the worriers and wanderers can call on God by name.  Here, in this time, we can remember all the ways God has graced us: here, in these moments, we are reminded that God is with us, always!  Here are gathered those daring enough to step out of comfort into the unknown: here, in this faith space, we will find the courage to cry out, 'God, save us!' in every situation. 2

Hymn 816  If Thou but Trust in God to Guide Thee

Prayer of Confession

God, we confess that we do not always understand Your ways.  We are easily discouraged when life takes unexpected turns and our carefully laid plans and dreams come to nothing.  We confess that we are quick to give up when things get difficult, and quick to question Your presence and Your power.  Forgive us.  Grant us patience to wait for Your good timing.  Open our eyes to recognize Your leading in our lives—to listen for Your gentle whisper when we least expect it.  And then give us courage to step out in faith and obedience, trusting in Your leading even when we cannot yet see the outcome.  We praise You for Your faithful love, and pray that You would make us worthy to bear Your name.  Amen.

Response Hymn 417

Lord Jesus, think on me,

and purge away my sin.

From earth-born passions set me free,

and make me pure within.

Words of Assurance

Though fear should beset us; though danger cause us to close up our doors; though troubles assail and lead us away from the ways of grace; only one thing is necessary: just turn back to God's promise of grace.  Remember that God is reaching out with loving arms, and let yourself be held.  Only ask for forgiveness, and it is ours: know that in this moment we have asked and in Christ Jesus, we are forgiven.  Thanks be to God!  Amen.  3

Sharing the Peace

ONE: The peace of Christ be with you.

RESPONSE:  And also with you.

Response Hymn 300

We are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord.

We are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord.

And we pray that all unity may one day be restored:

And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love;

Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love.

Scripture Reading: Selections from Genesis 37

Anthem       “Coat of Many Colors”     Dolly Parton, Arr. Rob Bradley

Sermon:  "Dream!" Reverend Debra McGuire

Hymn 450 Be Thou My Vision

Invitation to the Offering

Offertory   “Imagine”     John Lennon

Prayer of Dedication

God of extravagant mercy, with hands outstretched you have poured out wonder and pleasure and delight, goodness and beauty and bounty.  So take these offerings, we pray, as our protest against all that is evil and ugly and impoverished, trivial and wretched and tyrannical, in our world and ourselves – and thus may we and others know your blessings.  In gratitude, we bring our thanksgiving.  All that we give, we dedicate to your glory.  All that we keep, we commit to your care, for we are only stewards of your bounty.  Bless what we give and what we keep, for all is your creation.  Amen.

Words of Grace:  Reverend Robin Crawford

Prayers of the People

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Hymn 452  God Be With You Till We Meet Again


Closing Benediction (unison)

We go now with faith, trusting God's Spirit to guide us; we go now with hope, waiting for the fullness of Christ's reign; we go now with love, resting in God's care and the care of God's people.  Amen.

Postlude   “True Colors”     Steinberg/Kelly

1 Fern Burkhardt

2 Thom Shuman

3 UCC Worship Ways Archive

October 4, 2020

Celebration of Holy Communion

Reverend Debra McGuire: "Deliverance"

Music Director - Jessica Reddell-Popovich

Liturgist:  Bonnie Morgan

"Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it." ~ Mark Twain



Centering Prayer

Lord God of grace and liberty, on the night of the Passover the sacrificed lamb became a sign of freedom and you freed the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt. In Jesus, you sacrificed your son as a gift, thereby freeing all humanity from sin and death. Help us live into this new life, teaching us to serve you in faithfulness as you have served us. To you we offer our gratefulness in the name of the one who turned slavery into new life, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.


Introit          “Nothing But the Blood”    Robert Lowry, Arr. Barny Robertson

Call to Worship

ONE: We are here to worship a remarkable God.

ALL: The love of God welcomes us. The grace of Christ awaits us. The joy of the Spirit enfolds us.

ONE: Don’t come as slaves, come as the truly free. Don’t come as petitioners, come as those who are already heard. Don’t come as interlopers, come as invited guests. Don’t come as the outsiders, come as much-wanted children.

ALL: The love of God emboldens us. The grace of Christ redeems us. The joy of the Spirit uplifts us.

ONE: Come as the joyful, come as the eager, come as the thankful, come as the recipients of amazing grace.

ALL: The love of God overflows our hearts. The grace of Christ liberates our spirits. The joy of the Spirit sings in our minds. Let us worship God!  1

Hymn 504  We Come as Guests Invited

Prayer of Confession

"Happy are those whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. While we kept silence, our bodies wasted away through our groaning all day long. Then we acknowledged our sin to you and we did not hide our iniquity. We said, “We will confess our transgressions to the Lord,” and you forgave the guilt of our sin. Let all who are faithful offer prayer to you O God. At a time of distress, the rush of mighty waters shall not reach us. You are a hiding place for us; you preserve us from trouble; you surround us with glad cries of deliverance. Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all who are upright in heart.” Amen.

Response Hymn 417

Lord Jesus, think on me,

and purge away my sin.

From earth-born passions set me free,

and make me pure within.

Words of Assurance

Hear the good news! What we do matters, but our salvation is God's doing.  God hears our complaints, but also our prayers.  God will not forget us.  In Christ's name, we are forgiven.  Amen.

Sharing the Peace

ONE: The peace of Christ be with you.

RESPONSE:  And also with you.

Response Hymn 300

We are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord.

We are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord.

And we pray that all unity may one day be restored:

And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love;

Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love.

Scripture Reading: Exodus 12:1-13; 13:1-8

Anthem       “You Welcome Us All”     C. A. Bray

Sermon:  "Deliverance" Reverend Debra McGuire

Hymn 509 All Who Hunger, Gather Gladly

Invitation to the Offering

Offertory   “What the World Needs Now is Love”   Burt Bacharach

Prayer of Dedication

Gracious God, we give our best, lest in gaining the world we lose life itself. As a covenant

people, we seek to witness to your will and way. Help us to know more clearly what you would

have us do with the wealth entrusted to our care. As we contribute to the needs of the saints, we

present ourselves as living sacrifices. So take these offerings, we pray, as our protest against all

that is evil and ugly and impoverished, trivial and wretched and tyrannical, in our world and ourselves. Bless what we give and bless what we keep, that all may be used for your glory.


The Sacrament of Holy Communion

Preparation of the Table

Invitation and Great Prayer of Thanksgiving

LEADER: The Lord be with you

PEOPLE: And also with you

LEADER: Lift up your hearts

PEOPLE: We lift them up to the Lord

LEADER: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God

PEOPLE: It is right to give our thanks and praise.

LEADER: Let us pray.  Almighty and ever-living God...

Words of Institution

Sharing of the Cup and Bread

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Prayers of the People

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Hymn 511  Come, Behold! the Feast of Heaven


Closing Benediction (unison)

We go now with faith, trusting God’s Spirit to guide us; we go now with hope, waiting for the fullness of Christ’s reign; we go now with love, resting in God’s care and the care of God’s people. Amen.

Postlude   “One Love” Bob Marley

1 Bruce Prewer

2 Ministry Matters

3 Psalm 81


October 11, 2020

Reverend Debra McGuire

"Whose People Are They?"

Music Director - Jessica Reddell-Popovich

Liturgist:  Bonnie Morgan


Centering Prayer

O Living God of past and future, we praise you for this present moment. Fill us with your joy and empower us with your Holy Spirit, that our strength may be renewed to sing a new song of your glory in a world which longs for your justice and peace. All this we ask in the name of Jesus, in whom we become your new creation.1


Introit          “Go Down, Moses”   Trad. Arr, Fishel Pustilnik

Call to Worship

ONE: Peace-loving and peace-giving God, you bless us with your unfailing and unconditional love:

ALL: We come to worship and praise our loving God, and rejoice in God’s tender mercy towards us.

ONE: Generous God, you pour blessings and grace upon us, forgiving us for our sin and shame:

ALL: We come to worship and honor our merciful God, and rejoice in the wonder of forgiven and forgotten sin.

ONE: God, in the beauty of your shalom, and in the glory of your presence, all barriers are lowered:

ALL: We come to worship and revere our glorious God, who enriches the lives of God’s own people and speaks peace into the hearts of all faithful people. Amen. 2

Hymn 753  Make Me a Channel of Your Peace

Prayer of Confession

Confession is not an easy or a pleasant thing to do.  We would like to think that we have been good and faithful disciples, following your way.  But we know in our hearts the many ways in which we have turned our backs on you and rejected your will for us.  Like the people in the wilderness, we create for ourselves idols and worship them, only to discover their shallowness and emptiness for our lives.  And we wonder what went wrong.  Stop us in our tracks, O Lord.  Help us to be open to your will for our lives.  We know what you want us to do.  Give us the persistence and the courage to do your will.  Heal us from our wayward actions and attitudes.  Remind us that we must reach out to others in compassion and peace.  Merciful God, come to us this day with your healing power and help us again to be your disciples, offering hope and peace to your hurting and wounded world.  In Jesus’ name, we pray.  Amen.

Response Hymn 417

Lord Jesus, think on me,

and purge away my sin.

From earth-born passions set me free,

and make me pure within.

Words of Assurance

God, who has never strayed from you, is with you. God will heal your hearts and direct your steps. Place your life in God’s loving care. Amen. 3

Sharing the Peace

ONE: The peace of Christ be with you.

RESPONSE:  And also with you.

Response Hymn 300

We are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord.

We are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord.

And we pray that all unity may one day be restored:

And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love;

Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love.

Scripture Reading: Exodus 32:1-14

Anthem       “What Wondrous Love”   American Folk, Arr. William Walker

Sermon:  "Whose People Are They?" Reverend Debra McGuire

Hymn 620 Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven

Invitation to the Offering

Offertory   “Farewell to Stromness”   Peter Maxwell Davies

Prayer of Dedication

Gracious God, we give our best, lest in gaining the world we lose life itself. As a covenant people, we seek to witness to your will and way. Help us to know more clearly what you would have us do with the wealth entrusted to our care. As we contribute to the needs of the saints, we present ourselves as living sacrifices. So take these offerings, we pray, as our protest against all that is evil and ugly and impoverished, trivial and wretched and tyrannical, in our world and ourselves. Bless what we give and bless what we keep, that all may be used for your glory. Amen.

Prayers of the People

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Hymn 720 Jesus Calls Us


Closing Benediction (unison)

We go now with faith, trusting God’s Spirit to guide us; we go now with hope, waiting for the fullness of Christ’s reign; we go now with love, resting in God’s care and the care of God’s people. Amen.


1 Rev. Susan A. Blain and Rev. Scott Ressman.

2 © 2011 Joan Stott – "The Timeless Psalms" RCL Psalm Year B, used with permission.

3  Nancy Townley


October 18, 2020

Reverend Debra McGuire

Music Director - Jessica Reddell-Popovich

Liturgist:  Bonnie Morgan

“How you twirl and spin as you move with your creative empowerment through the strands and layers of life.  A feminine embodiment of divine energy, in your womb of love you regenerate life.  You are the one who restores balance, preserving what carries creation onward, destroying what keeps new life from birthing.  In every moment you encourage change, insisting on transition as a part of transformation.”   (Hindu)


Centering Prayer

Almighty and everlasting God, in whom we live and move and have our being, you have created us for yourself, so that our hearts are restless until they rest in you.  Grant unto us purity of heart and strength of purpose, so that no selfish passion may hinder us from knowing your will, and no weakness prevent our doing it.  In your light may we see life clearly, and in your service may we find purpose, for your mercy's sake.  Amen.


Introit          "Take My Life"     Chris Tomlin and Louie Giglio

Call to Worship

ONE: Let us worship the eternal God, the source of love and life, who creates us.

ALL:  Let us worship Jesus Christ, the risen one, who lives among us.

ONE: Let us worship the Spirit, the holy fire, who renews us.

ALL:  To the one true God be praise in all times and places, through the grace of Jesus Christ.

Hymn 2  Come, Thou Almighty King

Prayer of Confession

Almighty God, we confess that we are often swept up in the tide of our generation.  We have failed to be your holy people, set apart for your divine purpose.  We speak in your name without nourishing our souls, without relying on your grace.  Hear us now as we speak our own confessions in the privacy of our own hearts.  


Response Hymn 417

Lord Jesus, think on me,

and purge away my sin.

From earth-born passions set me free,

and make me pure within.

Words of Assurance

Hear these words of assurance:  According to God's great pleasure, we are adopted as God's children and redeemed.  In Christ we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace.  Amen.

Sharing the Peace

ONE: The peace of Christ be with you.

RESPONSE:  And also with you.

Response Hymn 300

We are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord.

We are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord.

And we pray that all unity may one day be restored:

And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love;

Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love.

Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 1:9-11, 19-20; 2:1-10

Anthem       "10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord)"  Jonas Myrin and Matt Redman

Sermon:  Reverend Debra McGuire

Hymn 324 For All the Faithful Women

Invitation to the Offering

God has shown us the meaning of generosity in the beautiful diversity of creation, in the overflowing love of Jesus Christ, in the never-ending gift of the Holy Spirit.  God has abundantly blessed us and called us to be a community that honors each other, to be servants to others with joy, to share our love and material possessions.  God accepts all of our offerings of our time, our talents, our creativity and our money. We thank you for continuing to mail your offerings to support the ministry and community at Bethany.

Offertory   Berceuse” (Lullaby) from Jocelyn   Benjamin Godard

Prayer of Dedication

God of extravagant mercy, with hands outstretched you have poured out wonder and pleasure and delight, goodness and beauty and bounty.  So take these offerings, we pray, as our protest against all that is evil and ugly and impoverished, trivial and wretched and tyrannical, in our world and ourselves.  Bless what we give and bless what we keep, that all may be used for your glory.  Amen.

Prayers of the People

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Hymn 539 We Will Go Out With Joy


Closing Benediction (unison)

We go now with faith, trusting God's Spirit to guide us; we go now with hope, waiting for the fullness of Christ's reign; we go now with love, resting in God's care and the care of God's people.  Amen.

Postlude   “Beautiful Boy”     John Lennon


October 25, 2020

Reverend Debra McGuire

"Fair Price"

Music Director - Jessica Reddell-Popovich

Liturgist:  Bonnie Morgan

“I am sometimes seized by wonder at daily marvels large and small, birthing, living, loving, playing, things amazing, awesome, splendid.  They zap my overly full mind into alertness and refresh my dull connection with you.  Thank you for the regular reminders that come sailing out of nowhere.  These gifts let me slow my harried breath and cause me to wipe happy tears of wonder.”  ~Fragments of Your Ancient Name


Centering Prayer

Christ Jesus, we come into your presence from many different places.  We come with songs of  joy and shouts of gratitude.  We come carrying heavy burdens and sighs of suffering.  As you welcome us into your house, lift our burdens and receive our praise.  Salt us with your grace and flavor us with your mercy.  Bind us together, that we may be at peace with one another and be strengthened to go forth in service to the world.  In your holy name, we pray. Amen.


Introit          “Blessed Jesus, At Thy Word”     Johann Ahle, Arr. E.J. Hilty

Call to Worship

ONE: Blessed be the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth!

ALL:  Praise be to God, the Giver of many gifts!

ONE: Our help is in God's name, the One who calls us here.

ALL:  We come with songs of praise, with prayers too deep for words.

ONE: Blessed be the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth!

ALL: Blessed be the Lord!

Hymn 18  Hallelujah! Sing Praise to Your Creator

Prayer of Confession

Lord Jesus Christ, you are the way of peace.  Come into the brokenness of our lives and our land with your healing love.  Help us to bow before you in true repentance, and to bow to one another in true repentance.  By the fire of your Holy Spirit, melt our hard hearts and consume the pride and prejudice which separate us.  Fill us, O Lord, with your perfect love, which casts out our fear, and bind us together in that unity which you share with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever.  Amen.

Response Hymn 417

Lord Jesus, think on me,

and purge away my sin.

From earth-born passions set me free,

and make me pure within.

Words of Assurance

Lord, we rejoice that you have not abandoned us and even shower us with your grace.  You sent your Son to redeem us and through his death and resurrection brought our redemption.  We can be assured that we are forgiven.  Amen.

Sharing the Peace

ONE: The peace of Christ be with you.

RESPONSE:  And also with you.

Response Hymn 300

We are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord.

We are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord.

And we pray that all unity may one day be restored:

And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love;

Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love.

Scripture Reading: 2 Samuel 7:1-17

Anthem       “Through the Darkness”      Gioacchino Rossini, Arr. Ruth Heller

Sermon:  "Fair Price" Reverend Debra McGuire

Hymn 149 All Hail to God's Anointed

Invitation to the Offering

Gracious God, we give our best, lest in gaining the world we lose life itself.  As a covenant people, we seek to witness to your will and way.  Help us to know more clearly what you would have us do with the any wealth that is entrusted to our care.  As we contribute to the needs of the world, we present ourselves as living sacrifices.  God accepts all of our offerings of our time, our talents, our creativity and our money. We thank you for continuing to mail your offerings to support the ministry and community at Bethany.

Offertory   “Lasciatemi morire!”     Claudio Monteverdi

Prayer of Dedication

God of extravagant mercy, with hands outstretched you have poured out wonder and pleasure and delight, goodness and beauty and bounty.  So take these offerings, we pray, as our protest against all that is evil and ugly and impoverished, trivial and wretched and tyrannical, in our world and ourselves.  Bless what we give and bless what we keep, that all may be used for your glory.  Amen.

Prayers of the People

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Hymn 49 The God of Abraham Praise


Closing Benediction (unison)

We go now with faith, trusting God's Spirit to guide us; we go now with hope, waiting for the fullness of Christ's reign; we go now with love, resting in God's care and the care of God's people.  Amen.



November 1, 2020

Celebration of Holy Communion and All Saints Day

Reverend Debra McGuire: "On This Mountain"

Music Director - Jessica Reddell-Popovich

Liturgist: Elder Tamra Hollenbeck

“No one knows the precise instant when death steals their last breath, when the heart that beats steadily ceases its rhythmic functioning.  Whenever this moment arrives, you will be ready to welcome us, your faithful love sweeping us way into another sphere of existence.  Your radiance intertwined with ours assuring us there is no need to fear.”  ~Karl Rahner


Centering Prayer

O God, we gather together in your presence with expectation, hungry for an encounter with you, eager to hear your word.  Open our eyes and ears to the presence of your Holy Spirit.  May the seeds of your word scattered among us this morning fall on fertile soil.  May they take root in our hearts and lives, and produce an abundant harvest of good words and deeds.  We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, our teacher and our Lord.  Amen.


Introit          "Meet With Me"     Lamont Hiebert

Call to Worship 1  

ONE:  Hurricanes and floods and environmental havoc; drones and IEDs and handguns; cancer and heart disease and COVID; poverty and injustice and oppression.  The ways of death in this world are many.  The words of death surround us.

ALL:  But we come now to hear a different Word, a true Word, a life-giving Word.  We are here on Isaiah's mountain where tears are wiped away, where a banquet table has been set, where death has been swallowed up forever.

ONE:  We do not fully understand it.  We may not fully believe it.  And yet here it is:

ALL:  the power of Christ's life within us and among us.  So let us be glad and rejoice in our salvation!

Hymn 242  Day of Delight and Beauty Unbounded

Prayer of Confession

God, we have wandered in restlessness and busyness, far from your pastures and waters.  Our souls are troubled.  We have preferred our own paths and put our own names first.  We fear evil and death around us and within us.  We are hungry and empty, wounded and thirsty.  Hear our prayers of confession and call us back to your side, called to be your disciples once again.  Amen.

Response Hymn 417

Lord Jesus, think on me,

and purge away my sin.

From earth-born passions set me free,

and make me pure within.

Words of Assurance

Our God is a God of infinite love and compassion.  When we stray, God patiently awaits our return, welcomes us and forgives our sins and heals us to wholeness.  We bless and praise you, our God of health and salvation.  Amen.

Sharing the Peace

ONE: The peace of Christ be with you.

RESPONSE:  And also with you.

Response Hymn 300

We are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord.

We are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord.

And we pray that all unity may one day be restored:

And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love;

Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love.

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 25:6-10

Anthem       "Sometimes By Step"     Rich Mullins and David Strasser

Sermon:  "On This Mountain" Reverend Debra McGuire

Hymn 848 Trust in God

Invitation to the Offering

Generous God, you are the owner of the universe. We have nothing we can bring that would make you richer or better or obligate you to us. All we have comes to us from you, the giver of all good things. We bring an offering as our gift today. In giving, we also support Bethany and the ministries we are a part of. As we continue to mail our offerings to the church, we help to keep our ministries operating. We know that God accepts all of our offerings of time, talents, creativity and money. We offer our gifts in response to the love of your son, Jesus Christ in whose name we pray. Amen.

Offertory   “Lasciatemi morire!”     Claudio Monteverdi

Prayer of Dedication

God of Jesus, with these gifts we offer you our lives to do your work in the world. Take our hands and feet, our bodies and our minds, prayers and love for you and make them into the hope that the world needs. Take these offerings, we pray, as our protest against all that is evil and ugly and impoverished, trivial and wretched and tyrannical, in our world and ourselves. Bless what we give and bless what we keep, that all may be used for your glory. Amen.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion

Preparation of the Table

Invitation and Great Prayer of Thanksgiving

LEADER: The Lord be with you

PEOPLE: And also with you

LEADER: Lift up your hearts

PEOPLE: We lift them up to the Lord

LEADER: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God

PEOPLE: It is right to give our thanks and praise.

LEADER: Let us pray.  Almighty and ever-living God...

Words of Institution

Sharing of the Cup and Bread

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Prayers of the People and Litany for the Saints

ONE: Living God, in whom there is no shadow or change, we thank you for the gift of life eternal, and for all those who, having served you well, now rest from their labors.

ALL: We thank you for all the saints remembered and forgotten, for those dear souls most precious to us.  Today we give thanks for those who have died and entered into glory.  We bless you for their life and love, and rejoice for them “all is well, and all manner of things will be well.”

ONE: God of Jesus and our God, mindful of all those choice souls who have gone on ahead of us, teach us, and each twenty-first century disciple of every race and place, to follow their example to the best of our ability:

ALL: to feed the poor in body or spirit, to support and comfort the mourners and the repentant, to encourage the meek and stand with them in crises,

ONE: to affirm those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, to cherish and learn from the merciful, to be humbled by, and stand with, the peacemakers.

ALL: Let us clearly recognize what it means to be called the children of God, and to know we are to be your saints neither by our own inclination nor in our own strength but simply by the call and the healing holiness of Christ Jesus our Saviour. Amen!

Meditation: Prelude #4 in E minor "Quelles larmes au fond du cloître humide?" Frédéric Chopin

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Hymn 326 For All the Saints


Closing Benediction (unison)

We go now with faith, trusting God's Spirit to guide us; we go now with hope, waiting for the fullness of Christ's reign; we go now with love, resting in God's care and the care of God's people.  Amen.


1 Joanna Harader

2 Bruce Prewer/adapted


November 8, 2020

Reverend Debra McGuire

Sermon: "Thing 1 or Thing 2"

Music Director - Jessica Reddell-Popovich

Liturgist: Elder Ken Henry


Centering Prayer

Holy One, fount of every blessing, we come to you this morning, opening our parched places to receive the springs of living water you offer to us.  Most of the time, most of us don't even know we are thirsty.  We don't know the deep dehydration that scours our bones and parches our hearts.  Sometimes, when our thirst pangs emerge, we draw from the enticing wells of the world's offering of power and profit, which leave us even more empty.  Still us, God, so we might listen to you speaking to us, knowing us, seeing us, and loving us. Fill us with your living water that will transform our spirits and souls into springs that burst forth with life and love for your people, for ourselves, and for our world. 1


Introit          O God, From Heaven, Do Look Down”   Luther/J.S Bach

Call to Worship 2

ONE:  In a world that cries out, “Fear me!”

ALL:  We will listen to Jesus' words, “Don't be afraid!”

ONE:  In a world that wants us to hate the other…

ALL: We will live Jesus' call to, “Love God. Love your neighbor, as you love yourself.”

ONE:  In a world that radicalizes…

ALL:  We, too, will be radical.  Radical with our hospitality.  Radical with our hope.  Radical with our love.

ONE:  Then come to this place, ready to be who we are called to be.

ALL: Let us gather together and worship God.

Hymn 400 I Rejoiced When I Heard Them Say

Prayer of Confession

Almighty God, we confess that we have taken your commandments and turned them into rules.  We have criticized those who have fallen short and selfishly proclaimed ourselves righteous. We have failed to understand the spirit of the commandments and the way that was shown by you to live, loving God and loving our neighbors. Forgive us for turning your law into burdens for others and ourselves, instead of a way to love and freedom in you. In the name of Christ, who has given us the way and leads us on, we pray. Amen.

Response Hymn 417

Lord Jesus, think on me,

and purge away my sin.

From earth-born passions set me free,

and make me pure within.

Words of Assurance 3

Hear these words of assurance: You are loved. Love is the Way.  When you love God, you love others. When you truly lay down your life for others, you lay down your life for God.  Give yourself to God by serving others. Know that in God's love there is forgiveness, healing, and reconciliation. Amen.

Sharing the Peace

ONE: The peace of Christ be with you.

RESPONSE:  And also with you.

Response Hymn 300

We are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord.

We are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord.

And we pray that all unity may one day be restored:

And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love;

Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love.

Scripture Reading: Passages from Jonah

Anthem       I Wander By the Sea”     Dale Wood

Sermon:   "Thing 1 or Thing 2" Reverend Debra McGuire

Hymn 830 Jesus, Priceless Treasure

Invitation to the Offering

Jesus taught that where our treasure is, there will our hearts be also. In this hour, we come bringing our treasures -- all that we have and all that we are. God’s treasure does not fade, decay, or disappoint. God has shared with us the treasure of heaven, that we may boldly share it with others. As we continue to mail our offerings to the church, we help to keep our ministries operating. We know that God accepts all of our offerings of time, talents, creativity and money. We thank you for your continual giving to our community at Bethany.

Offertory   “Lasciatemi morire!”     Claudio Monteverdi

Prayer of Dedication

Gather the gifts of our hands and hearts, living Spirit.  Use these gifts to build not monuments to your distant glory, but testaments to your intimate love.  Transform our inadequate gifts, that they may be an acceptable sacrifice of praise, and transform our lives to reflect more deeply your justice and joy in the life of the world.  Amen.

Prayers of the People

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Hymn 373 O Day of Peace


Closing Benediction (unison)

We go now with faith, trusting God's Spirit to guide us; we go now with hope, waiting for the fullness of Christ's reign; we go now with love, resting in God's care and the care of God's people.  Amen.


1 Rev. Karla

2 Richard Bott

3 Rev. Mindi


November 15, 2020

Homily by Elder Tamra Hollenbeck

Music Director - Jessica Reddell-Popovich

Liturgist: Craig Bray


Centering Prayer

God, the encourager, God, the compassionate, God, the merciful, holy, blessed: Disturb us.  Rouse us from our sleep.  Lift us into consciousness of your presence.  Change us, move us, mold us for the better; so that, at the sound of your voice, at the call of our name, we will never be the same.  May our worship do this and so much more, in the name of Jesus.  Amen.


Introit          “What Does the Lord Require of You?”   Jim Strathdee

Call to Worship

ONE: With what shall we come before the Lord?  What shall we bring into the presence of our God, as an expression of our worship and praise?

ALL:  Shall we bring him all that we own—our finest possessions, our life-savings, our investments and property?  Would God be satisfied if we brought everything we possess?

ONE:  No, that's not what God is looking for. God has told you what is good, and what God expects of you:

ALL: To do justice.  To love mercy.  To walk humbly before him. Let us worship God!

Hymn 749 Come! Live in the Light

Prayer of Confession

God of mercy, we place our trust in tangible things—things we can see and touch—and question whether you are really there.  Forgive us, Holy One, when we fail to recognize that you are always nearby, patiently waiting for us to recognize your presence and your glory.  Help us when we lose our way, and forgive us when we forget to whom we truly belong.  Lover of justice, open our eyes to see you; open our ears to hear you; open our hearts to love you; and open our hands to serve you.  In Jesus' name we pray.  Amen.

Response Hymn 417

Lord Jesus, think on me,

and purge away my sin.

From earth-born passions set me free,

and make me pure within.

Words of Assurance

When we cry to God, looking for favor in God's sight, God answers: “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”  In the power of the Spirit and in the name of Jesus, we are forgiven!  We will rest in God's mercy!

Sharing the Peace

ONE: The peace of Christ be with you.

RESPONSE:  And also with you.

Response Hymn 300

We are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord.

We are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord.

And we pray that all unity may one day be restored:

And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love;

Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love.

Scripture Reading: Micah 6:1-8

Anthem       "Dona Nobis Pacem” (Give us Peace)   Ray Repp

Homily:  Elder Tamra Hollenbeck

Hymn 435 There's a Wideness in God's Mercy

Invitation to the Offering

As we offer our gifts and lives in this moment, may we become imitators of our Gracious God, who holds nothing back from us, but is generous and gracious. God accepts all of our offerings of our time, our talents, our creativity and our money. We thank you for continuing to mail your offerings to support the ministry and community at Bethany.

Offertory   “Quiet Thoughts”     Barbara Arens

Prayer of Dedication

God of Jesus, with these gifts we offer you our lives to do your work in the world. Take our hands and feet, our bodies and our minds, prayers and love for you and make them into the hope that the world needs. Take these offerings, we pray, as our protest against all that is evil and ugly and impoverished, trivial and wretched and tyrannical, in our world and ourselves. Bless what we give and bless what we keep, that all may be used for your glory. Amen.

Prayers of the People

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Hymn 742 We Will Walk with God


Closing Benediction (unison)

We go now with faith, trusting God's Spirit to guide us; we go now with hope, waiting for the fullness of Christ's reign; we go now with love, resting in God's care and the care of God's people.  Amen.

Postlude “The Friendship Theme” from Beaches  Georges Delerue


November 22, 2020

Reverend Debra McGuire

Sermon: "This Will Have To Do"

Music Director - Jessica Reddell-Popovich

Liturgist: Elder Ken Henry


Centering Prayer

O God, we gather together in your presence with expectation, hungry for an encounter with you, eager to hear your word.  Open our eyes and ears to the presence of your Holy Spirit.  May the seeds of your word scattered among us this morning fall on fertile soil.  May they take root in our hearts and lives, and produce an abundant harvest of good words and deeds.  We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, our teacher and our Lord.  Amen.


Introit          Sunrise”     Barbara Arens

Call to Worship 1

ONE: Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth.

ALL: We bring our silence and our shouting, as introverts and extroverts.

ONE: Worship the Lord with gladness; come into God's presence with singing.

ALL: We bring our songs and our stories, our struggles and our sacrifices.

ONE: Know that the Lord is God. It is God that made us, and we are God's; we are God's people, and the sheep of God's pasture.

ALL: God designed and created us, understands us and is intensely interested in us.

ONE: Enter God's gates with thanksgiving, and God's courts with praise.  Give thanks to God, bless God's name.

ALL: We bring our gifts and our personalities, our strengths and our weaknesses.  For the Lord is good; God's steadfast love endures forever, and God's faithfulness to all generations.  God is just and wise, honest and true, caring and compassionate, eternal and holy.  Let us worship God.

Hymn 367 Come Ye Thankful People, Come

Prayer of Confession  2

Loving God, present and near.  You are beyond our words and our understanding.  Help us to remember that you are at once infinite, boundless, timeless and eternal but, at the same time intimately entwined with our lives. You are with us no matter where we find ourselves.  When we have forgotten you Lord, have mercy.  When we have failed to speak words of love Lord, have mercy.  When we have neglected the need of another Lord, have mercy.  Loving God, remind us of your constant presence as we strive to be your servants in this world.  We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Response Hymn 417

Lord Jesus, think on me,

and purge away my sin.

From earth-born passions set me free,

and make me pure within.

Words of Assurance 3

When we walk in the light of Christ, we have fellowship with one another.  When we confess our sins, the One who is faithful and just forgives our sins and cleanses us from all unrighteousness.  For in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God has showered mercy upon the entire world. Amen.

Sharing the Peace

ONE: The peace of Christ be with you.

RESPONSE:  And also with you.

Response Hymn 300

We are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord.

We are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord.

And we pray that all unity may one day be restored:

And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love;

Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 100

Anthem       “O Splendor of God's Glory Bright”   St. Ambrose, Arr. Gail Smith

Sermon:  "This Will Have To Do"  Reverend Debra McGuire

Hymn 54 Make a Joyful Noise to God!

Invitation to the Offering

As we offer our gifts and lives in this moment, may we become imitators of our God, who holds nothing back from us, but is generous and gracious.  As we remember God's blessings to us, we show our thanks and love by offering something of ourselves back to God.  God accepts all of our offerings of our time, our talents, our creativity and our money.  We thank you for continuing to mail your offerings to support the ministry and community at Bethany.

Offertory   "A Forest Bird Never Wants a Cage”  Maxence Cyrin

Prayer of Dedication

Let us pray together: God of all creation, take these gifts we now offer back to you.  May they be used to the glory of your name.  We offer you ourselves and all the gifts you have blessed us with.  Take us and use us to share your love with the world.  In these difficult times we ask you to bless these offerings as our protest against all that is evil and ugly and impoverished, trivial and wretched and tyrannical, in our world and ourselves.  Bless what we give and bless what we keep, that all may be used for your glory.  Amen.  

Prayers of the People

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Hymn 644  Give Thanks, O Christian People


Closing Benediction (unison)

We go now with faith, trusting God's Spirit to guide us; we go now with hope, waiting for the fullness of Christ's reign; we go now with love, resting in God's care and the care of God's people.  Amen.

Postlude “Golden Gate Waltz”      Barbara Arens

1 copyright © Dave Hopwood/engageworship.org, adapted

2 Thomas Sutcliffe

3 Laura Jaquith Barlett, posted on Ministry Matters


Archive -  Autumn 2020