Choir and Prayz News - Summer Worship
The Chancel Choir is now on their Summer break, and are set to return in the Fall.
Our Music Director Jessica Reddell Popovich has invited some of her music students to share their music with our congregation during the summer months, and we can look forward to listening to some delightful talent in our worship services.
Prayz Band will continue to provide music throughout the summer months as well. We will continue to rehearse on Wednesday evenings from 5-6:30 pm, and you are welcome to join in if you feel so moved.
Also, summer is a time when others are invited to share their musical talents with the congregation. If you would like to present something, please let Tamra Hollenbeck or Jessica know two weeks ahead of time so you can be added to the worship service.
Many blessings to all of our talented Chancel Choir members as they take a well-deserved summer break.