Memorial Wall
In addition, we would like to thank the following for providing materials, time and talents in the creation of the mural:
The Bullis Family
Gary Bertolini and Nancy Quickert Bertolini
Craig Bray, Magic Brush Painting
Broadway Sheet Metal, South San Francisco
A San Bruno Community Art Project
To Build a Mosaic Wall in Memory of the
Disaster of September 9, 2010

We've come from this sketch:
To this reality!
Click below to view more photos:
February Workshops collection #1 February Workshops collection #2 March Workshops
The Completed Wall and Dedication
News stories about the memorial wall:
On September 9, 2010, a PG&E gas pipe exploded in our neighborhood. The blast and resulting inferno killed 8 people, injured 58, and leveled 38 houses, damaging many more. Among those lost were Bethany's own, our beloved Lavonne, Greg, and Will Bullis. Our grief was heavy as we helped the Bullis family, and each other, to bind our wounds and continue on.
As part of the healing process, we created a mosaic wall depicting our hope to rise from the ashes into new life and a whole community. Through faith we understand that, just as a mosaic is created, we are able to take the broken parts of our lives and - together - make them form something truly beautiful. The creation process itself - working as a community in the artistic process - helped towards healing our wounds in an unexpected and wonderful way. We are grateful to God for this gift.
After more than a year of planning, countless emails, recruiting student and adult volunteers throughout San Bruno, and seven workshops over two months, our beautiful Memorial Wall was completed in March 2013, and it is breathtaking! The wall depicts healing from chaos and pain, with prominent images of a phoenix rising from ashes, healing waters, a hope-laden rainbow, and a mighty tree protecting 38 houses along poppy-strewn, rolling hills of San Bruno.
Thank you to everyone who participated and made this possible! We would especially like to thank all of the wonderful children and adult volunteers from the San Bruno and Millbrae communities, as well as all of the Bethany volunteers who participated in the Memorial Wall project.

And of course, our very special thanks to the late Leslie Scott
our wonderful mural artist, for helping to bring our vision to life.