San Bruno Hospitality House Needs
Catholic Worker Hospitality House (the San Bruno Shelter) is in need of supplies year-round!
We continue to collect various food items and other supplies for CWHH. A complete list of food and other needs is on the Catholic Worker Hospitality House website. If you have donations, please bring them to the church (place them in the CWHH basket in the Narthex) or contact us and we will ensure the items are delivered as soon as possible.
To contact Peter Stiehler, the director of Hospitality House, call 650-827-0706 or email by clicking here.
Other ways to help:
•Dining room volunteers - at St. Bruno’s Catholic Church, 555 W. San Bruno Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066. Please contact Peter to schedule time to volunteer.
• Help with Laundry – contact Peter
• Donations – Money is always appreciated. You may use PayPal or write a check to Catholic Worker Hospitality
House and send to 672 Second Avenue, San Bruno, CA 94066
• Donate food and toiletries: canned fruit, canned soup, milk, butter or margarine, sliced bread, oatmeal,
napkins, toilet paper, soup spoons, new and unused shampoo, new and unopened razors, new socks, new
underwear (Men’s 32-38), new or used, clean bath towels
The most urgent needs right now:
canned soup and fruit, milk, sliced bread, oatmeal
toilet paper, napkins, soup spoons
new and unused shampoo, new and unopened razors
new socks, new underwear (men's size 32-38), new or gently used bath towels
MONEY, for ongoing expenses
(updated 2.11.24)
Please contact us if you need assistance in delivering any items.
In addition to these items, there is an ongoing need for durable goods, such as bedding or furniture. Please contact us to arrange for a pickup.
Good News! The shelter is able to accept donations by PayPal or check. If you have any questions, please call the shelter directly.