October 5, 2019 10:00 - noon
Please join us for the next meal-packing event on Saturday, October 5, 2019 @ 10am – Noon at Bethany! You can help us pack over 10,000 meals in just two hours. We need to have about 40 individuals helping to make the event run smoothly. Please note that we are currently halfway to our expense goal. It now costs $3,451.68 to pack 10,152 meals and we have collected $1,750.00 which leaves $1,701.68 to be raised by October 5th. Click here to register as well as donate for our upcoming event. Signups are encouraged and your family and friends are always welcome!
Our 2018 events: "This Is Possible!"
Saturday, October 6, 10:00 - noon
A enthusiastic group of 26 volunteers of all ages packed 10,179 meals at Bethany Presbyterian on Saturday, October 6. Jordan Marvin, a familiar face from Rise Against Hunger, led the group and kept us going to the end. We again had assistance from the Boy Scouts, and some new faces too. We were able to meet our expenses with a small overage which will be applied to our next event.
Thanks to everyone who participated or contributed to the event. Information about where the meals were shipped will be posted in the Banner as soon we have that information.
Mark your calendars now for our next Rise Against Hunger meal-packing event on Saturday, October 6, from 10:00 a.m. until noon. Remember that we can make things happen by doing something to help others. Our upcoming event is that "something"! Plan to come, and bring along a friend or two!
Signups have begun at Bethany, or you may call the church office to sign up.
The supply expense for the meal-packing event is $2,944. With a small overage from our June event, half of the proceeds from the Summer BBQ, and some recent donations, our balance still owing is $1350. To make a donation, please go to Bethany's Rise Against Hunger fundraising page.
Thank you, and we hope to see you and your friends on October 6!
Saturday, June 2, 10:00 - noon
Think only that things are possible. You can do something to help others and our next Rise Against Hunger meal-packing event is that something! Our Next Rise Against Hunger Meal-Packing Event is Saturday June 2, 2018, from 10am to noon. Consider what you can do to help - come and pack meals, make a donation, tell your friends so that they can join us! This is a fun and exciting event, with smiling people who know we are making a difference in the world.
Signups have begun, and we need approximately 50 people, adults and children, to pack 10 thousand meals! We also still need $2,809.86 to pay the balance of the materials expense. This is the 8th event that has been held at Bethany.
If you wish to contribute to the fundraising effort, please go to our Rise Against Hunger page and make a donation, or contact us!
Save the Date: October 7, 2017!
Our Next Rise Against Hunger Meal-Packing Event is Saturday, Oct 7 from 10am to noon. This is the 7th event that has been held at Bethany. At this time, we are scheduled to pack 10,152 meals which means the supplies will cost $2,944.08. We are FULLY FUNDED for this event!
There is always a large group of people who come out for our events which is very exciting. You can sign up on-site, on the day of the event, too. Please mark your calendars and plan to bring your friends to join us for this worthwhile cause.
Should you wish to register online or contribute to the event, please click here - and thank you!
Our event on March 11, 2017 was a hit!
Our March 11th Rise Against Hunger (formerly Stop Hunger Now) event was attended by 65 happy helpers ready to pack more than 14,000 meals and speed them on their way to their final destination. Led by a new associate, Noelle, we showed that our prior five events made us ready for the challenge and Noelle was impressed. In just a few minutes over two hours, we were banging the gong for the last time and cleaning up. The morning flew by and there were plenty of Scouts, their parents, friends and family at the church to help. There is something everyone can do, so please plan to participate in the future.
Thanks to everyone who participated and please watch the Banner for future Rise Against Hunger events, possibly another before 2017 comes to a close.
Our next packing date is scheduled for
Saturday, March 11 - from 10:00 a.m. until noon.
Mark your calendars now so you will not miss out on the next meal-packing event at Bethany. Within two hours, we will pack over 12,000 meals and have so much fun together, while helping provide meals for those in need in a third-world country.
We are also looking for sponsors to help defray part of the event cost. If you know a small business owner who we might contact or if your company has a donation matching program, please let us know. The cost of the event is over $3,500. We currently have just over $1,000 so we are well on our way, but still need your help.
If you are unable to attend the event but would like to help, please consider making a donation at our Stop Hunger Now website. You may also provide a check payable to Stop Hunger Now, should you wish to do so.
Just think of feeding someone for just 29¢! How many meals might you be able to provide? For $29.00, you could provide 100 meals!
Stop Hunger Now is an international hunger relief organization that coordinates the distribution of food and other life-saving aid around the world. The organization is driven by a vision of a world without hunger and a mission to end hunger in our lifetime by providing food and life-saving aid to the world's most vulnerable and by creating a global commitment to mobilize the necessary resources.
Countless congregations, civic organizations, corporations and schools have enjoyed organizing a Stop Hunger Now meal packaging event. It is an immensely fun, hands-on and rewarding experience for anyone, of any age. A group of 40-50 volunteers can package 10,000 meals in just two hours. For more information, please visit their website: stophungernow.org.
We look forward to seeing you on March 11!
To contribute directly to Bethany's Stop Hunger Now efforts, please click here.
To see photos of prior events, click here: 2013 2015 2016
Remember, "With everyone's help, we can Stop Hunger Now"!
2016 Post-Event Update:
On Saturday, April 9, 2016, Bethany was once again filled with enthusiastic and happy volunteers as we packed 12,094 meals in just over 1 hour and 40 minutes for Stop Hunger Now. This is the first time we have packed more than 10,000 meals but we are sure it will not be our last. Estimates are that halfway through our event, we were boxing 1,000 meals every 7 minutes. The time just flew by!
Chris Romero and his assistant Andrew led 70 excited volunteers through a wonderful experience. The kids were the highlight of the day. It was such a blessing to see how they worked together, hurried through their tasks and smiled all through the event. Special thanks goes out to the Girl and Boy Scouts volunteers along with their troop leaders and parents. You were marvelous!
See photos of our 2016 event here!
The recipient of the meals we packed on Saturday, April 9, was Stop Hunger Now’s in-country partner Christian Friends of Korea in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North). Also included on this container were 24 cases of bar soap (112 bars per case) from Clean the World.
Christian Friends of Korea is dedicated to serving the 24 million people of North Korea through the delivery and confirmation of humanitarian aid as well as aids for construction projects and training. The humanitarian aid Christian Friends of Korea sends comes in the form of food, medicine, agricultural supplies and equipment, bedding and blankets, medical equipment and supplies as well as other needed goods for tuberculosis and hepatitis hospitals and sanitaria in North Korea. Skilled technical teams make biennial visits to work side by side with local North Koreans on various projects including renovation of multiple health care facilities, installation of medical equipment, solar powered water or lighting projects, water well drilling, greenhouse building, medical staff training and much more.
Sometimes the meal we provide is the only one a child has for her entire day.