Resources on Racism in the USA
Update: June 23, 2020
More links!
Baltimore's Youth Rising Coalition
PDF of the book "White Fragility" by Robin Diangelo
21-Day Racial Justice Challenge
Live streaming of General Assembly sessions
The Reverend Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), remembers recent victims of racial violence.
What is Blackout Tuesday?
The day began as #TheShowMustBePaused, which was a call for the music industry to use the day as a moment of reflection for the majority of the ways white executives have profited off of Black artists for decades.
#TheShowMustBePaused has a website that provides action steps for Black people affected by the news, and non-Black people looking to step up and do better. They did not ask people to post black squares or co-opt the Black Lives Matter hashtag. They suggest:
· Donating to fundraisers supporting George Floyd's family
· Donating to fundraisers supporting the family of Ahmaud Arbery
· Showing support for Breonna Taylor's family
· Donating to bail funds
· Immersing yourself in anti-racism resources
Seven books about how to be anti-racist
Nine books for discussing anti-racism with children and teens
Barack Obama Writes Essay On Effecting Real Change After George Floyd's Killing
Get involved with the voting system.
Participate in peaceful marches.
Be about bringing joy and hope.
Smile, be kind.
Help someone to feel safe.
Feed someone.
Options for Responding as you feel called
We will try to keep this list updated to the best of our ability!

August 21, 2020
PC(USA) Week of Action ~ August 24-30, 2020
From our denomination, the Presbyterian Church (USA)
“To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.” — Proverbs 21:3
“God sends the Church to work for justice in the world: exercising its power for the common good; dealing honestly in personal and public spheres; seeking dignity and freedom for all people…” — Book of Order, W-5.0304
It is abundantly clear through the gospel narrative and the greater witness of the Bible, that God has called us, as people of faith, to seek justice for those most marginalized in our world. As a Matthew 25 denomination, it is the vision of our church to eradicate white supremacy and dismantle institutionalized racism. Furthermore, in an effort to do the “hands & feet” work the Lord ordains, we must act and bear witness to the gospel in these crucial times.
The PC(USA) staff expressed a deep yearning to be more engaged in responding to the murders of Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and countless others who died at the hands of the police and racism. From this need has come the “Bearing Witness” working group which has participation from the Presbyterian Mission Agency, Office of the General Assembly, Administrative Services Group and Presbyterian Publishing Corporation. From this group a number of strategies are being formulated to provide advocacy campaigns, education initiatives and opportunities to join with community efforts organized by the Movement for Black Lives, Louisville Showing Up for Racial Justice, the Bail Project and other grassroots groups.
As a centerpiece of this movement, we will host a Presbyterian Week of Action. This endeavor is structured to provide a public witness that facilitates education, visibility, and action that reinforces our PC(USA) statements and policy around the support of eradicating racism and acknowledging that God loves all Black lives. By joining together as national staff and the greater church, we hope to provide faithful leadership in the area of justice, love, and equality within our denomination and communities.
Bethany is proud to participate in this PCUSA Week of Action! There will be discussions, studies, things to watch and things to do. Save these dates, and take a look at the many events. Check here for schedules!