Pet Supply Drive

We love animals at Bethany! Throughout the month of September, we will collect pet supplies for the Peninsula Humane Society In addition to the drive, on September 12 we will hold our Blessing of the Animals event. This is your opportunity to bring items that will help the PHS to care for animals before they find a loving home.
Items from the PHS Wishlist are listed below (please go here for the complete list). If you would like to make a dontation directly to the Peninsula Humane Society, please click here
For all of the animals
Towels (used or new)
Blankets (used or new)
Paper towels
Heating pads (without auto shut-off)
New small squirt bottles
Various household and clothing items for our thrift store (proceeds help our shelter animals)
For the dogs
New or clean collars and leashes
Kongs (all sizes)
Unopened packages of dog treats (especially soft ones)
Pill pockets
Hot dogs (low sodium preferred)
Natural Balance dog food rolls
Canned gravy-type food
Bubbles (regular or dog-specific)
Muffin tins (holding 6 or 12 muffins)
Harnesses (preferably “Sensation” or “Easy Walk” brands)
Nylabone chews (medium/large-breed size)
Pig ears/bully sticks
Creamy peanut butter (unopened)
Rope toys
For the cats
Fancy Feast or Friskies cat food
microwave heatpads
Canned tuna
Unscented clay cat litter
Ping-pong balls
Golf balls
Pipe cleaners
Plastic film canisters
Plastic shower curtain rings
Feather toys
Cardboard cat scratchers
Large shoeboxes (without lids) for the cats to sleep in
For the birds
Pellet food for large parrots
Medium/large unopened parrot seed
Pigeon or Dove feed
Safflower seed (a dove and pigeon favorite)
Wooden/rope perches (all sizes)
Bird toys (small & medium)
Wicker baskets
Sisal rope
Leather (for making toys)
Bird toy making kits
Hand mirrors
Dried corn husks (available in most supermarkets)
For the reptiles
Reptile or aquarium logs/decor
Heavy shallow dishes
Fake plants
C batteries
60w incandescent light bulbs
Calcium blocks for water turtles
Temperature gauges
For the wildlife
Raw, unsalted peanuts
Unsalted, creamy peanut butter
Spray millet
Toilet paper
Heavy pet food bowls (any size)
Smooth river rocks
Live potted trees, bushes, and other plants
Apples, berries, and corn
Thistle seed
Hulled Sunflower seed