Your gift to One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) enables the Presbyterian Church USA to share God’s love with our neighbors around the world affected by natural disasters, food instability, and other issues affecting the poor and oppressed. In a world filled with disaster, hunger, and oppression, millions lack access to sustainable food sources, clean water, sanitation, education, and opportunity.
The three programs supported by OGHS are:
• Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
• The Presbyterian Hunger Program
• Self-Development of People
A One Great Hour of Sharing letter will be sent to the congregation by the end of February, and will be shared in this space. Included with the letter will be an OGHS offering envelope for any amount you wish to donate. None of the offering stays at Bethany, but rather is sent to the Presbyterian Church USA. All offerings should be received at Bethany by Sunday, March 31, 2024.
There will be extra envelopes, along with an informational pamphlet, available in the Narthex. If you prefer to donated directly to OGHS, please click here to visit their website. Please icontact us if you need an envelope or further information. Thank you!

February 14 - March 31