Your gift to One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) enables the Presbyterian Church USA to share God’s love with our neighbors around the world affected by natural disasters, food instability, and other issues affecting the poor and oppressed. In a world filled with disaster, hunger, and oppression, millions lack access to sustainable food sources, clean water, sanitation, education, and opportunity.
The three programs supported by OGHS are:
• Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
• The Presbyterian Hunger Program
• Self-Development of People
All three programs work in different ways to serve individuals and commjnities in need. From initial disaster response to ongoing community development, these programs work together to provide people with safety, assistance and hope. Please click here if you wish to find more information from our denomination (PCUSA)
During this Lenten season, let us focus on thinking of others and giving to those in need in the hope of making a positive difference in their lives. Please consider an offering in any amount payable to One Great Hour of Sharing.
Again this year, we recommend that you send your offering directly to the One Great Hour of Sharing program. You may do that on line here, or mail your offering in the envelope which was mailed to you. If you did not receive an envelope, there are extras, along with an informational pamphlet, in the church Narthex - or contact us for an envelope. The program will run throughout Lent, from February 22 through April 9, 2023.
Thank you for your continued service, love, and generousity.
One Great Hour of Sharing