Partnering with Iglesias Braziliana of San Mateo
September 2021
We continue to support the Iglesias Brasiliana congregation, our partner in San Mateo. Current need” include non-perishable food items, especially rice and pinto beans. Cans of soup, chili, or canned vegetables or fruit are also needed. Other useful items are toiletries, blankets, and paper products.
January 2021
Over the 2020 holidays, we received a gracious video from Pastor Jorge Abdala of IPB, thanking Bethany for the donations made to his congregation.
Through the advice of Rev. Janet Bower, Bethany's Session has become aware of the needs of Igreja Presbiteriana Brasileira (Iglesias Brasiliana), one of the churches we have been praying for. This church worships in leased space at First Presbyterian Church of San Mateo, as a New Worship Congregation (NWC).
With a congregation of approximately 140 families and 85% unemployment amongst the congregation, it has been difficult to maintain their households. There have also been new babies born and baby supplies are in short supply. Rev. Bower, on behalf of the Committee on Ministries, has asked that we partner with this church and help in any way we can.
Ongoing needs of the congregation:
• Household goods – Towels, blankets, sheets and pillow cases, kitchenware, dishes, glasses, pots and pans, silverware, etc.
• Baby clothes – Newborn to months, new or clean/used
• Diapers – Newborn to 12 months
• Food – rice, dry beans, canned goods, any non-perishable items with a shelf-life
• Toiletries – all kinds
• Target gift cards
• Checks payable to Iglesias Braziliana, in any amount. To send a check, please make your check payable to Iglesias Brasiliana and mail it to:194 W. 25th Avenue, San Mateo, CA 94403
• Continued prayers for the congregation
Dropoffs of donated items from Bethany occur every other Friday; items can be brought to Bethany and placed in the Narthex near the coat rack or you can contact us for pickup.
Please contact us for more details. We will keep you informed of the progress of our new friends, the congregation of Igreja Presbiteriana Brasileira and their ongoing needs.

Our school supplies drive was a great success! The school supplies were delivered on August 20, 2021. There were many items collected, with as many as 60 each: notebook paper, 24 count crayons, small scissors, colored pencils, pencils, pens, rulers, glue sticks and bottles of glue, supply boxes from Staples with many items inside, and some miscellaneous items. Thank you to all who contributed to the school supply drive.
Please stay tuned for the next seasonal drive opportunity to assist our San Mateo neighbors!
October 2021
Our October project will be collecting Halloween treats for the children. Please bring Halloween candy and other Halloween goodies to the church by Wednesday, October 20, to be delivered on Friday, October 22.
We continue to collect items for Iglesias Brasiliana, our partner in San Mateo. We have received an updated “needs” list from Pastor Jorge from the IYB congregation:
bottled water
canned tomato sauce
olive or avocado oil
rice and pinto beans
diced tomatoes, or tomato paste
paper products

November 2021
On October 22 a delivery was made to IYB which included Halloween treats, pantry staples, toiletries, and kitchen goods. Thanks to everyone who contributed these items! Pastor Jorge and his wife Andrea were on hand to accept our collection and they were very thankful for our gifts.
In November, we will provide a Thanksgiving card for each family and a little something to go along with the card to let them know we are thinking of them and continue to pray for them.

For December we will collect toys for 40 children ages toddler to 10 years old. If you would like to participate, please consider items that are gender-neutral, and do not require batteries. We would also like to provide Safeway or Target gift cards. Collection boxes will be in the Narthex. Our December drop-off will be on December 17th, so please be sure your donations get to the church before that.
December 2021
On Friday, December 17, a delivery was made to IPB which included: 6 - 20 lb. bags of rice, misc. toiletries, two large boxes of Christmas décor such as candles, kitchen towels and washcloths, decorations, etc. as well as 40 – 1 lb. boxes of See’s candy, 50+ gift cards, and over 50 toys for the children, including balls, games, dolls, trucks, books, stuffed animals, umbrellas, blankets, etc. We received the following note from Pastor Jorge Abdala about our continued generosity and care for his congregation:
Good afternoon. On behalf of the IPB congregation I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the gifts we have received from you last Friday. It is simply amazing to partner with Bethany Presb. Church and witness acts of generosity by truly Christians like you. Thank you very much! (Our kids went crazy with all the toys and games). Please, find here some pictures of the IPB "distribution of blessings" from Bethany we had last Sunday, December 19.
Thank you and continued blessings to you and yours. Merry Christmas!!
In Christ Alone,
J Abdala
Pastor Jorge has also asked us to consider providing our “change” (pennies, nickels, dimes, or quarters) to their congregation. No matter the number of coins, no matter the amount, put in a small plastic or paper bag and we will delivery the coins to them. We have already has over $130.00 in coins delivered and we know we can do more. Look through your purse, desk, drawers, etc. and find those unwanted or unused coins and bring them to church for the collection. We are working on a “central” collection jar or box for the coins. Your continued prayers for the IPB congregation are very much appreciated.
March 2022
At this time, we are taking a break from collecting food items. However, Pastor Jorge Abdala has asked us to collect our “change” (pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters) for the IPB congregations’ program “Multiplying Talents.” The fund helps those in need in the IPB congregation for any number of things.
No matter the number of coins you have to donate, please place your donation in the “Coins for Iglesias Brasiliana” jar which is right inside the door to the Sanctuary on the small table where you find the Sunday bulletins. Approximately $250 has been delivered to Pastor Jorge and we can do more. Your coins and your prayers for the IPB congregations are very much appreciated.