Catholic Worker Hospitality House (the San Bruno Shelter) is in need of supplies year-round. Families with children need our help! Please remember to bring something to church every month. For a list of current needs, please click here!
Bethany Drives!

Classroom Book Drive
We are invited to help support the classroom of Jenny Schurk, an English teacher at Parkway Middle School in South San Francisco.
School Supplies Drive
From time to time, special projects or needs arise, and Bethany folk tend to meet those challenges generously. Here are some of our current or upcoming drives. Also, please keep in mind that the San Bruno Homeless Shelter is always in need of our support -
click here to learn what is currently needed - and thank you!
Thanksgiving Food Drive
donation was made up of paper and pencils, the “basics,” but always needed in the classroom. George Lynch delivered our gifts which were greatly appreciated by the principal and teachers. Thanks to everyone for bringing the much-needed supplies and monetary donations.
#2 pencils
Binder paper (in bulk)
spiral bound notebooks
Colored markers
Colored pencils
Plain white (printer) paper
Pens (any color)
Crayons (16-24 in a box)
Scotch tape
Glue sticks
Turn old stamps into Spanish lanugage Sunday School curriculum materials!
(Click below for details)


Every new school year brings a new need for classroom supplies. We will be in support of Belle Aire School in San Bruno again this year, raising supplies for local elementary school kids.
UPDATE: We collected 7 large boxes of supplies for the school. While there was a large variety of supplies, the bulk of the
During the November Stewardship campaign we will focus on our ongoing support of the San Bruno Shelter, Catholic Worker Hospitality House.
November is a time to give thanks to God as we celebrate our abundance and reflect on our blessings, and as we do so it is equally important to consider what more we can do for
Pet Supplies Drive
We will collect pet supplies for the Peninsula Humane Society throughout the month of September. Please click here for more details!


others. The truth is, we can always do a little more! We encourage everyone to donate additional food and supplies, especially during this holiday season.
Please remember to bring something for the San Bruno Shelter to Bethany each month but especially consider what you can do this November and during the holidays. A list of the Shelter's current needs can be found here.


Bethany Drives Again:
It's a Baby Shower!
During our fellowship hour on February 21, we will "shower" items on a single mother's group in need. Please plan to join us when we celebrate and provide for new little ones in need of our help.

Lenten Food Drive
As part of our Lenten Devotions, we are dedicated to collecting food and supplies for the San Bruno Homeless Shelter. A list of needed items can be found here!