At Bethany we believe that Jesus calls us to speak out and work for justice for all people, for peace around the world, and for God's Creation. Here are some of the social justice activities we are planning, or have taken part in recently, and upcoming action opportunities. Please watch this space, and consider joining us at the the next event!
Social Activism

On Saturday, January 21st, there were many Women’s Marches in the Bay Area - sister marches to the Women's March in Washington, D.C. - including in San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose. Bethany members and friends attended the marches in places all over!
This is a national movement for everyone who stands for human rights, civil liberties, diversity, and compassion for our shared humanity.
Inauguration Day Sidewalk Protest
January 2017
We stood for tolerance, decency, shared prosperity, and democracy by participating on Friday, January 20, from noon – 1 p.m, along El Camino Real, along with protesters in San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara counties.
After gathering at the church on Thursday, Jan. 19th at 7 p.m. to make signs for the event, the Bethany group met in front of San Bruno City hall with our church banner.

On Earth Day, April 22, 2017, people all over the world will march in support of science, scientists, and evidence-based policymaking. The March for Science is the first step of a global movement to defend the vital role science plays in our health, safety, economies, and governments.
There are several satellite marches in our area, including San Francisco and Pacifica. See our photos here!
San Francisco March
Start: Justin Herman Plaza, 11 a.m. End: Civic Center Plaza
A rally with invited speaker will start the event at 11:00 a.m. in Justin Herman Plaza. After the rally at approximately 12:30 p.m., we will march down Market Street to Civic Center Plaza, ending with a fair to celebrate science. Details can be found here.
Pacifica March
Location: Pacifica State Beach 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM PDT
Join us in the March for Science to demonstrate your concern for science - details are here. We know that "science is everywhere and affects everyone." It is not a partisan issue! We'll march from Linda Mar Beach to Rockaway Beach and back. Come early and enjoy The Pacifica Beach Coalition's Earth Day events - more details here. We'll gather near the beach right after EcoFest ends to start marching!

Our hearts are heavy that we continue to witness the systemic and overt racism which infects American society, as demonstrated in Charlottesville, VA. A statement from the Presbytery of San Francisco reflects our concern:
"Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Our heart aches for all the victims of the tragic and hateful events in Charlottesville. We join with others around the world praying for healing and justice. We are called to confront this world's insanity with the Good News of the Gospel. The love of Christ is the antidote for hate and fear. The Presbytery of San Francisco strives with others to reshape the structures of inequality, and transform systems of racism, that we may all live together in Christ's "more excellent way."
Please join with us in prayer for our country - that God's vast love and acceptance will prevail over all people, everywhere. For resources on fighting racism from the PCUSA, please click here.

Regarding Racism
Crossroads Workshop:
"Racism, Power, & Dominance in the U.S. and the Church"

Presented by the Presbytery of San Francisco, the Racism, Power, and Dominance in the U.S. and the Church workshop will be held Saturday, December 9th, from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm, at Primera Iglesia Presbiterana Hispana, 1941 High Street, Oakland, CA 940601. Lunch will be provided, and the event is FREE of CHARGE, but donations are most welcome!
For more information, click HERE.
On March 24, two March For Our Lives events will be held nearby, and it will be possible to join both of them! Pick one or both; wear your Bethany shirt, bring your signs, bring friends, bring your voices - we will be heard!
Burlingame: Meet up at the Bethany parking lot at 9:00 a.m. We will carpool to the family-friendly Burlingame March For Our Lives. The march will be held from 10:00-11:00 a.m. in Washington Park - 898 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame. Meet at the reserved picnic tables. Together, we'll march to Burlingame Ave -- go down one side, cross Burlingame Ave at El Camino, and march back on the other side. (This won't be a long event, and will be manageable for kids!
San Francisco: Out of the pews and into the streets! March with other Bay Area Presbyterians on Palm Sunday Eve. We will walk in the name of the One who paraded into Jerusalem defiantly and was greeted as the Prince of Peace. Be there alongside Jesus and honor the lives lost at Parkside, Pulse, Columbine, Las Vegas, Sandy Hook, San Bernardino..."Christ has no hands but our hands, no feet but our feet..." Meet at the steps of the Asian Art Museum at 12:45. Look for the Presbyterian banner!

As a Christian community of faith, Bethany Presbyterian Church of San Bruno, California deplores the separation of children from their immigrant families at the US border, and the “zero tolerance” policy regarding asylum-seeking people.
We also condemn the use of the Bible by Attorney General Jeff Sessions and others to justify this horrific practice. Contrary to what Mr. Sessions claims, the Bible says: "When an alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God." (Leviticus 19:33-34) There are many other biblical passages that require Christians to welcome the stranger, protect the weak, and help the suffering. Although we firmly believe in the separation of church and state, we feel strongly that our nation must likewise welcome and protect those who seek refuge within our borders.
We believe that children belong with their parents in safe communities, not locked up in detention centers. We call for the Trump administration to abandon the cruel, illegal, immoral and unjustified practice of separating families seeking protection at our borders, including those who are fleeing persecution in their home countries.
The Session of Bethany Presbyterian Church
2400 Rosewood Drive
San Bruno, CA 94066
June 19, 2019

Postcard used by Bethany parishoners to contact their U.S. Representatives on July 24, 2018
More Actions to Take
The Trump administration has been separating children from their families in wake of their "zero tolerance" immigration policy for refugees and asylum seekers. Christians around the country have been grief-stricken and outraged about the photos and audio coming from child and family detention centers on the border in the past weeks. Unfortunately, the executive order signed on June 20 is not enough to stop this process, and in fact mandates the jailing of immigrant families seeking safety in the U.S. It does not save or release any children from prison. The current administration has been systematically criminalizing immigration and immigrants, from revoking Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), to ramping up intimidating ICE tactics.
But we won't allow it to continue. On June 30, citizens will rally in Washington, D.C., and around the country to tell our government to stop separating kids from their parents!
A march is planned for San Francisco, and other locations in the Bay Area. The SF march will begin at Dolores Park, and proceed to City Hall. Click here for more information.
Bethany's Participation venues:
There are two options for you to join with Bethany folk on Saturday, June 30:
-- Join the 10:00 march in San Francisco, where we’ll gather to call for the end of family detention and the creation of humane immigration policy to welcome the stranger. Members of Bethany will be attending this March. We will meet at the San Bruno Bart station platform at 10AM Saturday morning June 30th. Please contact Rev. Kathryn Pyke to confirm your attendance.
-- South San Francisco Gathering for children and families, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m., at the corner of Hilton and Hickey in South San Francisco. Organizer: Fred Matthews
In this great country, we aspire to protect all children and keep families intact. Join your neighbors in an informal gathering to express support for children who have been separated from their families at the border. Bring positively worded signs if you like and come get to know your neighbors.
As Americans of any affiliation we all can embrace the need for child-friendly policies. My vision is for all of us to join together in support of children, opening a respectful dialogue as we move toward comprehensive immigration reform.
For more information, contact Fred here.
Join us on June 30 at 10:00 a.m. to send a clear message to the President and Congress: Families Belong Together!
Refugees in the U.S.A.
Statement Regarding “No Tolerance” Policy of US Immigration
Community March on June 30, 2018
June 2018
December 2017
August 2017
April 2017
Women's March
January 2017
March 2017
The Environment
Each month we draw attention to the PCUSA's and Bethany's concerns about our environment and the climate changes we are experiencing in a new and specific way.
"Do You Know" focuses on recommendations and actions that we all can take that will make a difference, even in small ways, to care for our world.
Summer 2021

We are marching for their lives. AGAIN.
We are horrified by the events of gun violence across our nation, culminating most recently in the violent deaths of 19 fourth graders and two of their teachers in Uvalde, Texas on May 24.
Our faith in the God of justice and mercy demands that we take action. In unity with the March For Our Lives organization and concerned citizens across the nation, Bethany folks who are able will be marching in Burlingame on Saturday, June 11, at 10:00 a.m., as we call for meaningful change.
We will gather at Washington Park near Magnini Way. After a brief rally, we will peacefully march down Burlingame Ave. See further

Saturday, June 11, at 10:00
details on the Burlingame march here.
Please bring a protest sign if you can! Wear your Bethany shirt, bring your signs, bring friends, bring your voices - we will be heard!
Update: Photos from the March are here