Annual Congregational Meeting
The annual Congregational Meeting will be held on February 13th, immediately following worship. At the meeting, we will receive the 2021 Annual Report and the 2022 budget, and elect officers for the coming terms. Copies of the 2021 Annual report can be found on the Members page, and will be emailed out in PDF form. Hard copies will be available at the church by Feb. 6th.
Presented by the Bethany Deacons, including health care professionals
Click here for further details!
Lent 2022
Please join us for a study of Spiritual Disciplines
Monday evenings throughout Lent
March 7-April 11, 7:00 p.m.
Classes will be held on Zoom. Please contact us to receive email notifications - everyone is welcome!

Spring cleanup! April 9, 9-noon
Everyone is welcome - bring a buddy!
One Great Hour of Sharing
2022 Offering
April 10 Dedication

Staff Vacations
Both Pastor Deb and our Church Secretary are taking some well-deserved time off! Deb will be away from April 18 - 24, and Roberta will be away from April 25 - May 11. Happy travels, you two!

On Sunday, April 24, Peter Stiehler of Catholic Worker Hospitality House will join us in worship and share from the pulpit!

We are marching for their lives. AGAIN.
Saturday, June 11, at 10:00
We are horrified by the events of gun violence across our nation, culminating most recently in the violent deaths of 19 fourth graders and two of their teachers in Uvalde, Texas on May 24.
Our faith in the God of justice and mercy demands that we take action. Those who are able will be marching with others across the nation as we call for meaningful change, in Burlingame on Saturday, June 11. Click here for further details.
Beginning of Summer Luncheon

Kent Sicklebower 1950-2022
Friends, it is with great sadness that we give thanks for the life of Kent Sicklebower, pictured here with his father the late Russ Sicklebower.
Kent passed away on Thursday, May 19, at the age of 72. He surely lived a long, full life under the loving care of his parents and sister. We offer prayers of condolence for Kent's family and friends - especially to his sister Robin and her family.
Summer is Coming
September 4 - October 2
"For you shall go out in joy,
and be led forth in peace"
Isaiah 55:12
Click here for more details!

A Season of
and we've got some exciting things planned! Save these dates!
Sunday, June 26 Click for details!
Movie Night
Friday, September 16 7:00 p.m.
Marching for their lives. AGAIN.
Another movie night? Yay! We'll be watching “War Games” (1983, PG) – “A young computer whiz kid (Matthew Broderick) accidentally connects into a top secret super-computer which has complete control over the U.S. nuclear arsenal. It challenges him to a game between America and Russia, and he innocently starts the countdown to World War 3. Can he convince the computer he wanted to play a game and not the real thing?” - Colin Tinto
In the end, this is really an ANTI-war movie! (FYI we do use the closed captions, so if you’re hearing impaired, you can still enjoy the movie!) BYO movie snacks and drinks!
Saturday, June 11, at 10:00

Several Bethany members took part in the March For Our Lives - a peaceful protest march that was held across the US - in neighboring Burlingame.
We were especially impressed and proud of the young people who spoke - they were articulate and full of passion. If those are our future leaders, we will be in good hands!
Autumn Celebration
New Pride Flag!
On Pentecost Sunday, June 5, we replaced our fairly weathered and worn Pride flag with a bright new one! Photos here
Sunday, September 18
starts at 10:00 a.m.
We're hiring!
We are in need of a star church secretary/administrative assistant. The position is part time, 12-15 hours per week. Please contact us for more information!
Giving Tree Opportunity
December 4-18

Christmas Eve & Christmas Day
We will celebrate Christmas Eve on Saturday, December 24 at 7:00 pm. There will be special music, Christmas hymn singing, and a time to share the light of Christ. The congregation is welcomed to stay afterwards for a cookie and hot cider reception.
Christmas Day will be celebrated on Sunday, December 25, during 10:00 am worship.