A More Light Congregation

Bethany Presbyterian Church

Little Free Library

Mission Partnership with our Neighbors

It's finally here!  Our little free library is open and ready for business.  Click here for info and photos!

A Bethany Cookbook

One Great Hour of Sharing

NEW!  And OLD!

In the COVID-19 era, so many of our brothers and sisters are in need of assistance.  As people of privilege many of us are in a wonderful position to do just that!  Read on to see how you might be able to help some our less fortunate neighbors!

Sunday, April 11

Way back in 2006, we created a cookbook for our 50th anniversary celebration.  Now - finally - we can offer a digital version of that precious recipe haven!  You'll find recipes from Pot-Lucks, Thanksgiving, and Coffee Hours!

Click here to download or here for more info!

On Sunday, April 11, our worship and broadcasting team will take a rest from live broadcasts.  

An "encore presentation" of a previous worship service will be presented on Facebook at our regular worship time, 10:00 a.m.

Please click here for more details!

Holy Week 2021

Thankyou Video

Sunday Worship is now on Facebook Live every week at 10:00!

Click on an image to learn more!

Everyone is welcome to join the zoom.  Click for details!

Holy Week in a Bag

Palm/Passion Sunday

Tune in at 9:50, and greet those who are gathering while we wait for worship to begin!

Wednesday Prayer Time

Good Friday

Sunday, February 28

If you have prayer requests or announcements,

please send those to Pastor Deb ahead of time via email

Follow the liturgy during worship on our This Week in Worship page

After the live session is over, video will be posted here

Immediately after 10:00 Worship

Bethany's 2021 Annual Meeting will be held immediately following worship on Sunday, February 28.

Although this will be the first meeting in our history not held in person, as in every year coffee hour will follow the meeting!

If you have not yet received it, please contact us to get the link for the meeting.

2021 Lenten Study: Words of Faith

Feb 23-March 23

7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays throughout Lent

(except for Monday, March 15)

Click here for more information!

Epiphany Star Coloring Page

Thanks to Illustrated Ministry, we have a coloring page of a star and instructions for you! Instructions are in the .pdf file (click on this picture of a star to download the file), with options for activities and meditations on Epiphany. There is also a star already colored just to cut out, if you like. Bring your completed star to the zoom coffee hour on Sunday after worship!

Learn More Here

We've received a gracious video from Pastor Jorge Abdala of IPB (the Brazilian Presbyterian Church in San Mateo) thanking Bethany for the donations made to his congregation.  Click here to view his joyful message!


Check out our new monthly feature!

Every week on our Facebook page, a children's picture book story is read by a member or friend of our congregation.

The stories are ecumenical, and include both classic  and new stories, aligning with our principles of inclusion here at Bethany.  

Click here to see those videos, and please share with the littles you know!

Outdoor Worship!

'Tis the season!  Although we miss them, we are always happy to see our beloved staff take their vacations, as that means they will return refreshed and renewed!

Roberta Henry, church secretary: June 29 - July 9

Jessica Reddell-Popovich, music director: July 5 - August 8

Reverend Debra McGuire, pastor: July 25 - August 1

Staff Vacations

As Bethany's leadership continues to discuss when we will return to indoor worship, we have planned a few dates to worship safely, outside.

On August 1st we will hold our final outdoor worship before reopening day (September 12)  Please be with us at 10:00 am on Sunday for worship. We look forward to seeing you again!

Get Ready: In-Person Worship is Coming!

Bethany Drives

Summer 2021

School supplies for the children of Iglesias Brasiliana

Click here to learn more!

Opening Day T-Shirts

Toiletry kits for Catholic Worker Hospitality House

Click here to learn more!

We are so excited to reopen on Sunday September 12, we've decided that we need t-shirts to mark the occasion!  Click here for more info.

Fall Picnic

Click for details!

Fall Picnic

Click for details!

Bethany has been a part of the San Bruno faith community for 65 years, and we are looking forward to the future!

Saturday, November 20 2:00-4:00 p.m.

With grateful hearts, bring your bounty to

2400 Rosewood Drive

Advent Study for 2021

Monday evenings during Advent

November 29-December 20

In person and via Zoom

We will use “A Surprising God: Advent Devotions for an Uncertain Time" by Thomas G. Long, Donyelle C. McCray for our study.  Please click here for more details!

Please join us on Friday, December 24 at 7:00, along with your friends, family and neighbors, for a beautiful candlelit service.  You wil hear words of hope and love, and music to lift your heart.

Love to sing?  Have you ever wished for a worship service that was 50% Christmas Carols?  Bethany is doing just that!  

We hope you will join us.