A More Light Congregation

Bethany Presbyterian Church


Welcome to Reverend Debra "Deb" McGuire!

Reverend Debra McGuire, who has provided Pulpit Supply for Bethany on several occasions recently, has been voted (unanimously) by Session to be hired as our Part-time (maximum 24 hours per week) Transitional pastor, beginning January 5, 2020.

We eagerly look forward to learning from, and working and worshiping with Deb in the New Year.  We are considering the season of Advent as a time to not only prepare for the coming of the Christ Child, but also to prepare and make room for this new chapter in Bethany's story!  Welcome to Bethany, Deb!

Sunday, February 9

Immediately after 10:00 Worship

1st Saturday Movie Night

Saturday, March 7, at 6:00 p.m.

We will share a pot luck dinner at 6:00 p.m., followed by the 85-minute film. We hope you will join us, and please bring a friend along - everyone is welcome!

More details here.

Come on out and help spruce up the church for Easter!  There are tasks for ALL ages and abilities, indoors and out.  Plus: snacks!  See you then!

Saturday March 14

9:00 a.m. - noon

Memorial Wall Re-Dedication

Sunday, April 5, at 11 a.m.


Remote Palm Sunday

10:00 Worship is on Facebook live.

For details about the special plans we have for Palm Sunday, click here.

Follow the liturgy during worship on our This Week in Worship page

After the live session is over, video will be posted here

Bethany Leadership decisions about continuing as a community during COVID-19 restrictions

Video Messages

While we are unable to meet in person for a time, Pastor Deb will have regular video messages for the Bethany Community.  These can be viewed live on Facebook, and they will subsequently be available here on our website!

Click here to view the latest!

New!  Click for details!

Baby Items Drive

Through April - see details here!

Throughout Lent we will be collecting food items for the San Bruno Hospitality House.  Please call the church, and either leave your donation outside the front door at Bethany, or someone will come to pick up it up from your home For a list of needed items, please click here!

Lenten Food Drive

Information regarding  Health Standards and the Corona (COVID-19) Virus


Come to the Tea!

Saturday, May 2

1:00 - 3:30 p.m.


Access SFUSD - The Arc

More details here!

A fun activity for Pentecost!  

Click here for your coloring page!

Please click for further details and a link to the Vigil, sponsored by our Presbytery and hosted by Sojourner Truth PCUSA.

Virtual Vigil:

We Can't Breathe

Sunday, June 21  5:00 p.m.

God is calling the church into the public square, into the halls of power, and alongside the voices protesting on the streets.  But how? And to what end?

Free Webinar


Pastor Deb has compiled a list of resources for allies to use in this tie of great upheaval and repentance in our nation.

Click for more info!

Join us for an exciting week of anti-racism events

Details here!

PC(USA) Week of Action ~ August 24-30

September 13 Worship

Due to the unhealthy air quality in our area, we have decided to postpone our outdoor worship to another time. We will worship together, as we have been since March, on Facebook Live on Sunday, at 10:00 a.m. and the worship broadcast will be posted here afterwards. Please join us, and stay tuned for our next opportunity to meet outdoors

September 26, 7:00 p.m.

Announcing an airing via Zoom of the

Bethany Story Project.

Click here for details

Please join us for our next planned outdoor worship services, on October 4 for World Communion Day, and November 1st for All Saint's Day. Be sure to check the details here - you won't want to miss this - and we'd miss you if you did!

October 4 and November 1

September 27

A Bethany farewell to our friends

Robin and Nancy Crawford

photos here!

Pastor Deb will be on vacation from Tuesday, November 10 through Tues, November 17.

Please feel free to contact us with any pastoral needs!

Pastor Deb's Vacation

On the date of what would have been our traditional church dinner, we created a YouTube playlist of some of the great talent our community has produced over the ages.  

Check it out: click here!

Thanksgiving Talent Playlist

Thanksgiving Donation Drive-thru Drive!

November 21, 2-4 p.m. Click for details!

Zoom Advent Study

Longest Night/Blue Christmas Worship

Christmas Luminaries

December 20, 24, and 27