Movie Night: "To Breathe Free"
Saturday, March 2, at 5:30 p.m.
The community is welcome to join us for a pot luck dinner, followed by a screening of the film and discussion. More details here!

Please check back for info about the next event, scheduled for October 5

April 13, 9:00 'til Noon
Panel discussion on Immigration and Refugee issues
Please bring your friends and neighbors for this informative event!
May 11, 4:00-5:30

Save the date! More info coming soon.

New/Returning Staff Member!
Congratulations and thank you to Jessica Popovich Reddell, our former and now newest staff Musician! Jessica applied for our open Music Director position, and was hired at the end of August. We have not been without her talents this year, as she has been our primary accompanist at Bethany in 2019. She will continue at the keyboards in worship, as well as now overseeing music selections and leading the Chancel Choir. The first choir rehearsal is scheduled to be on Wednesday, September 4th. We look forward to working with you again, Jess!

Community Movie Night
Trigger: The Ripple Effect of Gun Violence
Saturday, November 2, 5:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Details here

November 16, 9 am - noon
Fall Clean-up Day
Movie Night: "To Breathe Free"
Saturday, March 2, at 5:30 p.m.
The community is welcome to join us for a pot luck dinner, followed by a screening of the film and discussion. More details here!

Please check back for info about the next event, scheduled for October 5

April 13, 9:00 'til Noon
Perspectives on Immigration

Save the date! More info coming soon.

Saturday, November 2, 5:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Details here

November 16, 9 am - noon
Fall Clean-up Day
Through December 15

On Sunday, December 29, will be a service of Lessons and Carols, with scriptures and music that tell the story of the faithful throughout Biblical history, up through the birth of Jesus. If you love to sing Christmas Carols, this is a good service for you!
Our guest preacher will be Reverend Geoff Browning. Please plan to be with us!