A More Light Congregation

Bethany Presbyterian Church


Like Jesus, our ministry is to serve those in need.  Please read here about our annual Lenten offering for the vulnerable in our midst.

One Great Hour of Sharing

Community March on June 30

Presbyterian minister, and Reverend William Barber.  The day before General Assembly this year, Li and Reverend Jimmy Hawkins, the director of the Presbyterian Office of Public Witness in DC, were both arrested on the steps of the Supreme Court in an act of civil disobedience on behalf of the PPC.

After worship, Geoff will be available to share with us news from and answer questions about General Assembly.  He says he is looking forward to being with us!

Guest Preacher July 15th

Please plan to be with us in worship on Sunday, July 15.  Our special guest will be Reverend Geoff Browning, friend and former member of Bethany.

Having recently attended General Assembly and deeply involved in issues of social justice, Geoff will share with us about the Poor People's Campaign (PPC). The co-moderators of the PPC are Reverend Liz Theoharis, a

June 30 Protest Photos

Motown Magic!

Our June First Saturday Dinner will be held at the church, on June 2, 6:00 p.m. Come enjoy dinner, and then amaze everyone and release your inner Motown singing self!

Help with appetizers and desserts would be appreciated.  Contact us to RSVP!

On March 24, there are two March for Our Lives events which we are joining:

10:00 in Burlingame, and 12:45 in San Francisco.  Details here.

Wear your Bethany shirt, bring your signs, bring friends, bring your voices - we will be heard!


June 2, 10:00-noon

We'll be packing 10K meals for hungry people!  Check it out!

Saturday, March 24,  9-noon

Come on out and help spruce up the church for Spring!

One Great Hour of Sharing

March 30

Like Jesus, our ministry is to serve those in need.  Please read here about our annual Lenten offering for the vulnerable in our midst.

We Remember ~ Good Friday 7:00 p.m.

Benefit Concert and CD Release

February 11 at 4:00 p.m.

Come hear Amy Stephens - jazz composer and pianist - perform her new CD, "Becoming" on Sunday, February 11, at 4:00 p.m.  Amy is a friend of Bethany, and often fills in as accompanist for us on Sunday mornings.  She has graciously offered to play this benefit concert.  Admission is one (or more) item for the San Bruno Shelter  More info here!

After worship, every Sunday. Details here!

Please join us for a fun read and interesting take on women of the Old Testament – women unwilling to fully submit to God’s plan for their lives.

Mondays from noon to 1:00, in the sanctuary.

Details here!


Guest Sermon

On July 15, 2018, our guest preacher was Reverend Geoff Browning.  Read his sermon here:

Church of the Maladjusted

The results are in: 'twas a great success!

Guest Sermon

On November 11 12018, we celebrated PRIDE Sunday.  Our guest speaker was Jordan Decker, of Trans Heartline.  Read his message here:

I Traded in My Paper Cup

To read Bethany's Statement regarding the current "no tolerance" immigration policy please click here.

On Sunday, June 24, in honor of World Refugee Day, we sent these postcards (below) to our representatives in Washington D.C., to urge them to (1) hold the US Administration accountable to resettlement of 45,000 refugees; (2) urge DHS to prioritize the reunification of refugee family members; and (3) reinvent a refugee resettlement goal of 75,000 refugees for FY2019.  The text of the postcards was provided by Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.

More information about actions Bethany, our denomination at large, and our community is taking can be found here.  Please join us for any or all of these important actions!

You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. (Deut. 10:19)

A Call to Action