Bethany Drives Again!
As part of our Lenten observances, we are dedicated to collecting food and supplies for the San Bruno Homeless Shelter. A list of needed items can be found here!

Please plan to be with us on April 14th, at 7 p.m. as we observe Good Friday. Included in our worship will be the Chancel drama, written by Rev. Richard Pyke, "I Ran Away". See more details here.
The Tea benefitted the SF General Birth Center. See Photos of the event here!
2017 Spring Tea
Taking Action!
New photos of Bethany folks Marching for Science are here! Details about the Pacifica and San Francisco marches are on our Activism Page.
And watch this space for notices of more action opportunities as we bring the compassion of Christ to the world!
Bethany's church-wide workday will be from 9-noon, on April 1st - no foolin'!
Refreshments and coffee will be provided.
Help us spruce up our campus for Easter!
Photos HERE!
Independence Day at Ardenwood
Tiny House?
Yes, there is one being built on our property!
A very fun 1st Saturday is coming up soon! Dinner will be provided: pizza, salad, drinks and dessert. Following dinner, we'll have a good old-fashioned hymn sing!
Everyone will be invited to request a favorite hymn, and our favorite organist, Todd Constable, will provide the accompaniment.
Of course, everyone is welcome, and we encourage you to invite friends and family!
September First Saturday Dinner

Our hearts are heavy as we witness the systemic and overt racism which infects American society, as demonstrated in Charlottesville, VA.
A statement from the Presbytery of San Francisco reflects our concern:
"Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Our heart aches for all the victims of the tragic and hateful events in Charlottesville. We join with others around the world praying for healing and justice. We are called to confront this world's insanity with the Good News of the Gospel. The love of Christ is the antidote for hate and fear. The Presbytery of San Francisco strives with others to reshape the structures of inequality, and transform systems of racism, that we may all live together in Christ's "more excellent way."
Please join with us in prayer for our country - that God's vast love and acceptance will prevail over all people, everywhere.
From Office of the General Assembly—Stated Clerk
Read a statement from the PCUSA here.
For resources on fighting racism from the PCUSA, please click here.
August 14, 2017
PC(USA) leaders condemn white supremacy, racism
Charlottesville religious leaders praised; misuse of scripture decried

Our New Organ!

Bethany's church-wide workday will happen from 9-noon, on October 21st
Refreshments and coffee will be provided.
Help us spruce up our campus for the holidays - and remember, many hands make light work!

The San Francisco Presbytery workshop, "Racism, Power, and Dominance in the U.S. and the Church" workshop will be held Saturday, December 9th, from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm
We have photos!
And videos!