A More Light Congregation

Bethany Presbyterian Church


Hugs for Soldiers

Send a Valentine to a person in uniform overseas on January 31.

More details here!

This Sunday, January 31, we will celebrate Kent Sicklebower's 66th birthday!  Kent (shown here with his loving and devoted father, the late Dr. Russ Sicklebower) is a very special person in all of our lives, and has been a part of our congregation for most of his life.  We encourage everyone to bring a birthday card for Kent to celebrate this Sunday!

Birthday Blessings!

Bethany Drives Again!

It's a baby shower!  Click here for details

February 21

Lenten Study through March 20

The Ceili Returns on March 19!

Celebating all things Celtic, including our Presbyterian roots in Scotland, there will be music and food, a joyful celebration for all in support of our next Stop Hunger Now event.  Click for more details!

One Great Hour of Sharing

Get out those fish banks!

Bethany Drives Again!

As part of our Lenten Devotions, we are dedicated to collecting food and supplies for the San Bruno Homeless Shelter. A list of needed items can be found here!

Bethany's church-wide workday will be from 9-noon, and refreshments and coffee will be provided.  Help us spruce up our campus for Easter!

Stop Hunger Now

April 9, 2016

2016 San Mateo County

What is OMN@B?

Well, that's just our nickname for Open Mic Night at Bethany!  Everyone is welcome, and anything goes at this entertaining, laid-back evening of music, spoken word, or what have you!  Refreshments are provided, and participation is free.  Check it out!

LGBTQ Pride Celebration

June 4, 11 am - 5 pm

Due to unforseen circumstances, Bethany has had to regretfully withdraw from this wonderful event this year.  

We hope you attend anyway!

Event details here!

June 4, at 6:00 p.m.

Affordable Housing

Please join us for a discussion of affordable housing in the Tri-City area.

Spring Concert!

Click here for details and to make a reservation!

Our hearts are heavy as we grieve with our sisters and brothers across this land who are affected by gun violence, and wonder at the senseless acts of hate that continue to infect our society: in Orlando, Minnesota, Louisiana, Dallas, and the entire United States.

We grieve at the sytemic racism in our cities and towns, and the ease with which lethal weapons can be obtained, even by people in poor mental health.  

As a More Light congregation, we are particularly distressed at the homophobic roots of the terrible events which took place at The Pulse in Orlando, Florida, on June 12, 2016

Please join with us in prayer for those who were murdered; for their loved ones, and for our country - that God's vast love and acceptance will prevail over all people, everywhere.

We've planned a very special First Saturday Dinner for our 60th Anniversary!  Details here!

Saturday, September 3

Spring Tea & Fundraiser

The tea was a wild success!  Over $4000 was raised for our charity, Answering For the Children.

We were delighted and inspired by our entertainment for the afternoon, Bu Falle African Dance and Drum, with members from Senegal and Guinea. Photos here, and  video proof of the joy can be found here!

Ready for Sunday School?

On October 2, Bethany's Sunday School is ready for you!  All school-aged children are invited to begin worship with their families (or other adult), and then the teacher will escort them to the classroom after the Musical Offering.  The kids will experience Bible songs and stories, and learning the lessons that Jesus shared, and then return upstairs for the end of worship.  Our awesome teachers look forward to spending a joyful time with the children!

New Stuff!

To celebrate Bethany's 60th anniversary, we are ordering new t-shirts, polos, and sweatshirts!  Please click here for more information.

For info about the anniversary celebration, please click here, and please do plan to join us for a fabulous weekend September 24-25!

Last Day to order is September 4!!

Service of Remembrance ~ September 11, 10:00 a.m.

World Communion

On Sunday, October 2, we will celebrate the vast diversity in the Body of Christ, honoring World Communion Sunday with our Christian brothers and sisters throughout the world.

In addition, we will recieve the Peacemaking Offering, used to further the work of peace in our community and the world.

and Peacemaking

See our

60th Anniversary celebration

letters & photos!

To celebrate Bethany's 60th anniversary, we are offering again  for a very limited time t-shirts, polos, and sweatshirts with the Bethany Logo!  

If you did not get a chance in September to order what you wanted, here's your chance to get a cool new Bethany shirt!

Please click here for more information.

Bethany Apparel