A More Light Congregation

Bethany Presbyterian Church


Friend of Bethany Honored

Bethany's dear friend Reverend Walt Johnson has been selected to receive the Mission Hospice Lotus Award.  

Please read more here.

Bethany Beach Bonfire Bonanza

It's on! Plan to join the youth of the church on Sunday, November 1st. We’ll meet at the church and carpool.  Come out for some BBQ and fun! Contact us for more info - everyone is invited!

Come on out for our Fall church-wide work day!

Saturday, November 7, 9:00 a.m. 'til noon

We'll work together to spruce up the campus and make it extra-welcoming for the holidays.  Refreshments and coffee will be provided!

Now called the Peace & Global Witness Offering, the annual offering enhances and enables our work to bring peace and unity to all of God's people.  The offering will continue through the first few weeks of November.  Please click here for more information!

Peacemaking Offering

Several San Bruno elementary schools are helping us to make the holidays a little brighter for our men and women in the armed forces.  They will make Christmas cards to add to the cards we will sign.  The cards will be sent to the Hugs for Soldiers project, sponsored by the United Methodist Church in Duluth, Georgia.

Bethany Drives!

In November we are collecting non-perishable Thanksgiving food items for San Bruno Hospitality House.  

Please click on the truck for details!

Through December 6

Bethany Elder Honored

Congratulations to Elder Lyn Hughes, who is the runner-up for Franklin Templeton Investments' 2015 Harmon E. Burns Award, for her volunteerism and community service.

Click here for details.

Sunday School Advent Project

We've raised funds for some bunnies!  

Click here for details.

Service of Remembrance ~ September 11, 10:00 a.m.

An “End of Summer” light luncheon will be held right after the church service in lieu of the church picnic on September 27. No need to bring anything, but plan to stay and enjoy the luncheon before we move into the busy fall season of the church. We hope you'll join us!

The Bethany Healing Garden will be a place for people to gather, rest, breathe in the peace of the space, and enjoy the beauty of the mural.  

A dedication service for the Healing Garden will be held on Sunday, September 6 from 4 - 5 pm at Bethany.  We plan to honor many people, including the wonderful first responders and office holders of San Bruno whose bravery and level-headedness served San Bruno so well during those first terrible moments of the blast and beyond. Please consider joining us for the dedication and a brief reception immediately following the service.

Healing Garden Dedication


Often held on the Saturday nearest to St. Patrick's Day, we gather for our annual Ceili!  (Pronounced: "Kay-lee".)  Celebrating all things Celtic, including our Presbyterian roots in Scotland, there is song, dance and refreshment, a joyful celebration for all!

Bethany's Sunday School is ready for you!  All school-aged children are invited to begin worship with their families (or other adult), and then the teacher will escort them to the classroom after the Musical Offering.  The kids will experience Bible stories, singing songs, and learning the lessons that Jesus shared, and then return upstairs for the end of worship.  Our awesome teachers Melinda, Jorie and Tamra will teach on a rotating basis, and look forward to spending a joyful time with the children!

Ready for Sunday School?

Bethany Drives!

click here for info!






Yarn & Craft Giveaway!

We are giving away the remaining yarn and craft items from Anne Carson’s stash on Saturday, September 26th from 10 a.m. – noon at Bethany Presbyterian Church. And YES, we’re giving it away for FREE! You are welcome to make a donation to the Anne Carlson Memorial Fund if you wish, but it is not required.

In addition to LOTS of yarn there are boxes of crossstitch kits. There are also knitting needles and crochet hooks, pattern books and magazines, and various other crafty accessories. Please come by and get those creative juices flowing!

Piano Recital

Music Appreciation Sunday

Join us for a very special service of music and the Word on Sunday, June 14th at 10:00.  

God has blessed Bethany with some extraordinary musicians, and we will celebrate their gifts as they raise their voices and instruments in prayer and celebration to the glory of God!

Yun-Chi (Eva) Cheng, Bethany's former accompanist, will play a free recital at Bethany next weekend! Come hear Eva play Brahms, Beethoven and more on Sunday, June 14th, 7:00 p.m.. Eva is a brilliant pianist and it's bound to be an evening of beautiful music. We can't wait!

Sunday School is in session every Sunday during our worship time.  All children, kindergarten through 5th grade, are invited to attend worship at 10:00 a.m. with their families.  After the Musical Offering portion of the service, they will be welcomed to join the teacher in the Sunday School room for an enjoyable time of stories, crafts, prayer time, and fellowship.  

Childcare is offered for younger children every Sunday, in a room especially suited to the needs of children age 3 and under.  Please let an usher know if you have childcare needs.  Our trained childcare providers will take good care of them while you worship with us.  We love our babies, and young children are always very welcome to remain with us in worship if that is what your family prefers!  

New Healing Garden

The Bethany Healing Garden is a place for people to gather, rest, breathe in the peace of the space, and enjoy the beauty of the mural.  Click here for photos and details!