Building & Grounds
This committee is responsible for the maintenance of the building and grounds of the church. These tireless, hard-working folks supervise the regular workdays of the church and perform maintenance around the church. Currently chaired by elder David Wales.
Community Action/Community Life
This committee plans and implements activities for our community outside of worship, from supporting the local shelter and charitable drives, to celebrations within the Bethany community like the annual Thanksgiving dinner and other fellowship events.
Financial Trustees
The Trustees are elected by the congregation to oversee the financial, insurance and tax concerns of the congregation. They act for and report to the Session. They help prepare the recommended annual budget and monitor the expenses of the budget during the year, oversee the work of the treasurer, and prepare a monthly financial statement to the Session for approval. Trustees also develop the stewardship campaign of the church and receive the pledges each year that support the mission and ministry of the church.
This committee is responsible for developing a slate of officers (elders and deacons) each year, which is presented to the congregation for election to serve the church for a term of up to three years. They are also responsible for replacing vacancies as needed during the year. This group is elected by and reports directly to the congregation. Chair is temporarily vacant.
Personnel oversees congregational/staff relationships, and the hiring and performance review of our support staff. They make budget recommendations regarding salary and benefits. Currently chaired by elder George Lynch.
The Worship Committee is responsible for creating meaningful and uplifting worship for the congregation. Coordinating with the Pastor and Music Director, this committee helps to plan liturgy, music and logistics of all parts of worship. Currently chaired by elder Pam Matthews.
Committees of the Church
Much of the work done at Bethany begins at the committee level. It's the Presbyterian way!
Here's a snapshot of our committee work: