Little church, big hearts, great music

Bethany is a very special place

Bethany Presbyterian Church

A More Light Congregation


Prayer of Preparation

Call to Worship

Prayer of Confession




more details coming soon!

Prayz Band

Mitch Fontaine

Mitch arrived at Bethany already experienced in leading worship teams. He has played bass at many churches in the area, and was the bassist for Won by One from 1999 to 2003. In addition to music, he is an outdoorsman and an avid Disneyland fan.  Mitch, in his characteristically enthusiastic way, jumps in to everything he does at Bethany with both feet: leading the Prayz band, facilitating our audio/video system, and serving as elder.


Mitch Fontaine










Lord, have mercy (Lord, have mercy)

Christ, have mercy (Christ, have mercy)

Lord, have mercy  (Lord, have mercy)

Susan has served as Banner Editor for many years, and works with a great team to produce and distribute the Banner each month. She is a former Bethany secretary, and an ordained Deacon and Elder.  She and her husband Patrick joined Bethany in 1971, were married here in 1972, and raised their three children here. Their first grandchild is the fourth generation in her family to attend Bethany.

Susan Gartner-May

Banner Editor

Christian Education

The Christian Education (CE) Committee plans and implements Christian education opportunities for children, youth and adults of the church.  This includes Sunday School, and a myriad of classes and discussions open to all adults at Bethany.  Currently chaired by elder Kathleen Mitchell.

Community Action & Community Life

The purpose of Community Action at Bethany is to involve the congregation, our friends and families in putting our faith into action by engaging in local community action projects.  These projects help us to create a stronger presence in the local community and provide opportunities for our neighbors to learn more about Bethany.  

Community Life is dedicated to creating fellowship opportunities for the congregation, our friends and families.  They produce events like the church picnic, Spring tea, and Thanksgiving dinner & talent revue, as well as monthly first Saturday dinners.  Currently chaired by elder Lyn Hughes.

Shelter Ministry

This sub-committee of Community Action focuses solely on our partnership with Catholic Worker Hospitality House, the homeless shelter in San Bruno. In close communication with Shelter director Peter Stiehler, we maintain a list of needed items for the Shelter, collect and deliver those items directly from the church, and provide other assistance as needed.  Currently chaired by Rina Ranahan.


Roberta Henry

Roberta has been Bethany's church secretary - a title she proudly embraces - since 2001. Arriving at Bethany in 1986, she and her husband Ken were immediately welcomed into the choir, and raised their two daughters at Bethany.  Her position gives her the opportunity to serve the church and provides ample time for some of her hobbies: knitting, watching movies with her family, being a dog foster-mom, and volunteering at the Peninsula Humane Society.


Ken Henry

Financial Trustee
