For reference, the "before" picture. April 2014

May 27, 2015 The area has been graded and is ready for the work to begin

May 27, 2015

Foundational framework for the planters and seating. June 17, 2015

June 17, 2015

Retaining wall for the west side of the garden June 21, 2015

View from the patio, looking north. June 21, 2015

The base of the the planters and seating is filled in. June 21, 2015

Ground prep is down for the crushed walkway June 27, 2015

June 27, 2015

Crushed grante is down, and framing for the first bench is in July 8, 2015

Delivering dirt for the planters
August 14, 2015

Taa-daa! Completed!
August 22, 2015

The finished, planted garden!
August 22, 2015