It’s about time for another great Bethany Picnic! Save the date and mark your calendars for Sunday, September 26!
We’ll gather at beautiful Junipero Serra County Park, in San Bruno (1801 Crystal Springs Road) after worship (noonish). We will settle in at the Buckeye Picnic Area, which is near the top of the hill, next to the Ranger station. There is easy parking, and access to the picnic area for all abilities, and restrooms are close by. Admission to the park is $6 per car.
Faith pot luck: bring your favorite non-alcoholic beverages and a dish to share. We’ll have some coals going if you’d like to bring something to grill, and will provide plates, cutlery and napkins.
Everyone is welcome to the picnic: bring a friend, your family members, and neighbors!
If you are interested in helping out with set-up, clean-up, or grilling, your assistance will be greatly appreciated. Please contact the church office to volunteer, or for any additional information. See you at the Picnic!