Dear Members and Friends of Bethany Presbyterian Church,
Each year, the Bethany community is invited to participate in the peacemaking work of the church as we celebrate World Communion and Peacemaking Sunday on the first Sunday of October. This year, that Sunday falls on October 6, and we are delighted to welcome Rev. Geoff Browning, Peace Advocate for the Presbyterian Church, to the pulpit to preach the word of peace and hope as we share in the sacrament of communion. We will taste breads from many different cultures from around the world as we delight in the Christian community and fellowship we love and proclaim.
As part of the Peacemaking program, congregations are invited to contribute to the Peacemaking Offering, funds that are used to promote the peacemaking work of the church. The Peacemaking Offering has several different designated recipients: 50% goes to the PCUSA for projects nation and worldwide; 25% goes to the SF Presbytery for more local projects; and 25% is retained by Bethany to use in a way that promotes peace in our own community.
This year, the Outreach Committee will be hosting a dinner and a showing of “Trigger: The Ripple Effect of Gun Violence” on Saturday, November 2. “Trigger” is an hour-long documentary that was created as part of a larger effort to humanize and share the way that gun violence impacts lives every day. It is told entirely from the perspective of those who have been deeply affected in some way by gun violence. The Bethany Session has agreed to use our 25% from the Peacemaking offering to help support this event.
The kickoff for the Peacemaking Offering will be on Sunday, October 6, and the offering will be dedicated on Sunday, October 27. Please prayerfully consider what you can contribute to this work for peace.
Blessings to each of you in the name of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.
Tamra Hollenbeck
Chair, Worship Committee