May 30, June 27, and August 1
As the body of Christ, and a loving community, we have been longing to be together in person.
As the church leadership continues discussions about exactly when we will see each other’s full face in person at services, we have decided to begin with plans for outdoor services first. On May 30th, June 27th, and August 1st we will have our 10:00 am Sunday worship services outdoors. This way we will all be able to see each other in person, and be able to experience the joy of three-dimensional fellowship a few times in a row, so we can offer each of you to choose one date or all three to test out your own feelings about gathering in person.
It seems ironic to be welcoming a return to some kind of normalcy and at the same time be even more anxious about re-entering the world. It may be ironic but it is to be expected. Getting out of a rabbit hole is just as difficult as having gotten into the rabbit hole! I can appreciate any struggles each of us experiences to take steps at our own pace. Having three chances to come to church in person gives us a chance to put a toe in the water without pressure to dive right in.
The services will be held on the patio right outside the church doors, and everyone present will need to observe social distancing and wear a mask. The services will also be streamed live on Facebook, as they are now.
August 1 will be a communion Sunday, and so we are asking people to bring their own elements for communion: something to eat, something to drink - your choice.
It won't be the "good old days" - yet - but it will be a pretty good new day! Mark the dates!
Outdoor Worship