As the body of Christ, and a loving community, we have been longing to be together in person. We have not done so since March 15, 2020 - nearly seven months ago! This situation is about to change...
Our in-person worship service scheduled for September 13 was cancelled due to the terrible air quality. That was a disappointment for many. Let not your hearts be troubled! The Worship Committee has planned not one, but two opportunities for us to worship outdoors, on October 4 - World Communion Day, and November 1 - All Saint's Day!
All who have participated in worship "virtually" and all who have not been able to join us via technology, will be able on these two dates to come to Bethany for in-person worship. We will sit masked and physically distanced, and be able to sing with, pray with, and wave to our Bethany community. Shade canopies will be provided as warranted, and you are encouraged to check the weather and dress appropriately – we all know how unpredictable Autumn weather in San Bruno can be!
Both of these are communion Sundays, so we are asking people to bring their own elements for communion. The service will be held on the patio right outside the church doors, and everyone present will need to observe social distancing and wear a mask. The services will also be streamed live on Facebook, as they are now.
This won't be the "good old days", but it will be a pretty good new day! Mark the dates!

October 4 and November 1