Health Standards and the Corona (COVID-19) Virus
We want to let you know that we are taking steps to insure the good health of the community at Bethany during this time of increasing anxiety about the coronavirus (COVID-19). There are steps we can all take to protect ourselves and be pro-active without panic. Please know that we care about your physical health as well as your emotional health and invite you to reach out at any time.
The first is to remain confident in our normal habits around cleanliness.
- Wash hands completely and often with soap (Soap and hand sanitizers are in both restrooms and in the kitchen, sneeze or cough into a sleeved folded elbow, throw used tissue in the trash and wash hands afterwards)
- Maintain clean surfaces (The doorknobs and handles will be wiped before every service, and tables will be wiped with disinfectant)
- Handle food safely (There are food handling gloves in the kitchen for preparing coffee hour items)
- Limit personal contact (We can greet one another with an elbow-tap, or smile, or our own designed greeting!)
- Stay home when ill (Please contact Pastor Deb or the church with any needs)
Here are some ways to stay current:
1. San Mateo County has opened a call center for non-emergency questions about the coronavirus. “The number is (650) 363-4422. The call center opened on Thursday, March 5, and will take calls from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday and use a three-way language line to help non-English speakers seeking information about the novel coronavirus. (Click here for information.)
2. Contact the Centers for Disease Control website for current information (Click here)
3. San Mateo County Health Department information (Click here)
4 Hand sanitizer fact sheet (Click here)