A More Light Congregation

Bethany Presbyterian Church

Come join the Bethany community for an opportunity to learn about Peace during this Advent Season. We will again be using the PC(USA) Follow Me curriculum studying their series called Make Peace.

Make Peace focuses on Jesus’ words in the Beatitudes, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Matthew 5:9), which have been the centerpiece of Christian social ethics for centuries. People, throughout history and still today, have chosen different paths to peace, but certain skills of peacemaking have emerged from their journeys: cultivating inner peace, seeking to understand where others are coming from, and having the courage to overcome fear. By practicing these skills, peacemakers work to embody Jesus’ teachings in the midst of conflict. Explore God’s vision for peace, true shalom, in this unit from Follow Me: Biblical Practices for Faithful Living.

We will meet at 7:00pm via Zoom on Tuesdays, November 29 and December 7; Monday, December 12; and Tuesday, December 20. Contact the church office or speak to Pastor Deb to sign up for the class and get your workbook!  We're really looking forward to seeing you!