Anniversary Letters from Friends
We celebrated Bethany's 60th anniversary with an afternoon reception and hymn sing on September 24, 2016. In addition to our speakers Pastor Kathryn Pyke, former pastors Garry Cox and Kimberly Elliott, and former Parish Associate Robin Crawford, we recieved lovely notes from Kay DeWeese (Pastor George DeWeese's wife), Rev. Janet Bower, musicians Dorie Swales and Derek Tam, and from Sue Bullis - and you can see their letters here! Their messages of love, memories, and hope for the future were a true blessing to all in attendance.
From Kay DeWeese:
Congratulations on the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the founding of Bethany!!!! I was a member at Bethany from 1969 to 1979 when my husband, George was Pastor of the small but faithful flock. I have fond memories of that decade.
There were times to mourn and times to laugh. When we first arrived at Bethany someone asked our oldest son, David, if he liked the church. "Oh yes, it’s great. I can sit and watch the plans take off from the airport when Daddy is preaching!" Or the time George decided it would be a good idea to put a "Suggestion Box" in the narthex. When the box was opened there was a note suggestion, "Pay the Pastor more". That same suggestion was in the box at the next opening. George asked to see the writing. "OH, that is my son’s handwriting!" was George’s discovery.
The pay may not have been sterling, but the love of Bethany folk certainly was. When David was 17 and had a fatal cardiac arrest, the congregation held a 24 hour prayer vigil for our family. I still remember the grief Bethany folk shared with us. Faithful Freda Lutz, Holly March, Thelma Sicklebower and so many more.
And the good pails of Sloppy Joe mix with Barbara Lucas, Barbara Jesse, Skip Quickert and others for Youth Club on Wednesday evenings.
My three children grew up in Bethany Sunday School and Youth Club and for that I am most grateful. Gretchen, now 52, leads a Community Bible Study in Raleigh, NC. Nathan cares for his patients in the Family Practice Clinic he serves.
When I return to the Peninsula I love to worship at Bethany. I read the Bethany Banner each month and long for a church like Bethany here in Hawaii. Bethany is a shining example of inclusion, fellowship and service.
I am sorry to miss the celebration. In September I will be en route to Tanzania again where I reach English to Maasai girls at a Lutheran Secondary School
Congratulations to each of you. Some day you very well may hear, ‘Well done, thou good and faithful servant.
Kay DeWeese
From Janet Bower:
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
It is very exciting to hear that Bethany Presbyterian Church is celebrating 60 years of ministry. When I recall the ten years I served with you at Bethany and as I have read the Bethany Banner since then, I am touched by all the compassion that has been and is being extended to the neighborhood, San Mateo County and throughout the world. God has been at work though your everyday acts of sharing Christ’s love, especially with those who need extra encouragement and support.
I first arrived at Bethany in 1986, the summer before my third year as a student at San Francisco Theological Seminary in San Anselmo. I interviewed with Rev. Garry Cox to see if the church would be open to having a seminary intern for a full year. Garry and the Session agreed that an internship would be worth a try.
My very first day at work, thirty years ago, Gary and I went to Peninsula Hospital because Sue Bullis had given birth to her daughter Janine. It was a privilege to meet them both on the first day of Janine’s life. Little did we know all that would transpire through the decades.
As an intern I needed to learn the broader responsibilities of a pastor and to grow into the role. Bethany was the perfect place for me to try out new skills and Garry was the perfect internship supervisor. At Bethany, I became a generalist: I led in worship weekly and preached every six weeks (sorry about that). I studied the management style of the pastor and lay leaders, acted as a resource to the committees of the church, counseled and visited, and launched a covenant group for new members.
With Garry’s encouragement, I worked with the San Mateo County Organizing Project, an ecumenical coalition of churches that was seeking to provide child care centers for the San Bruno schools and an emergency homeless shelter for families in the North County. On June 4, 1989 I was ordained in this sanctuary, among family, friends and church members. It was a remarkable day that I cherish each year on the anniversary of my ordination.
My responsibilities expanded to leading the Youth Club. With Chris and Jeff Sloan, George Lynch, Lynn Weaver and Ken Henry we provided a a safe and supportive place to engage in Bible Study, fellowship, service projects, worship, camping, trips to the Presbyterian Youth Triennium in Purdue and social activities. Over the years, we tackled almost every imaginable topic pertinent with our youth.
We also prayed and planned a ministry for families and children through the mid-week program called Logos. Through playtime, worship and choir skills, dinner time and Bible study, we discovered that church can be a very fun place to be. We reached out to unchurched children in the community and included them in worship, Sunday school and Vacation Bible School. Bethany became known as a congregation that welcomes people of all ages.
When our family arrived at Bethany, we were not really sure of what was ahead but we trusted that God was in this new adventure. Jennifer was 4 years old and Brian was 6. On their first Sunday Ellen Kross was Jennifer’s teacher. Ellen told me that when Piper shared that Tamra was going to have a baby, Jennifer enthusiastically said that her mommy was going to have a baby, too! Ellen wanted confirmation of that and I had to tell her no, I was not pregnant.
Our family never expected a one year internship would turn into ten years of serving at Bethany. You raised up my children in the faith and watched them grow from preschoolers to teens. You included my husband Todd in ministry and coached me as I learned. We take with us joyful memories from our ten years at Bethany.
In 1996, I sensed God was calling me to new opportunities. Since Bethany, I have served at Trinity Presbyterian Church in San Carlos, The First Presbyterian Church in Burlingame and The Congregational Church of San Mateo. I now have a private counseling practice, and meet with individuals, couples and families. I also facilitate support groups that focus on challenges such as grief, divorce, caregiving, chronic illness and employment.
Brian and Jennifer have both married wonderful spouses and we now have four grandchildren, five years old and younger, who live in Chicago (Brian) and San Carlos (Jennifer). It is an extremely fulfilling time in our lives as Todd and I ease into retirement and spend more time with family and friends.
I am filled with gratitude to God for my ministry and for the opportunity to serve with you at Bethany. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart and our family’s heart, for your friendship and willingness to serve God so that all God’s children feel included in our faith community.
Know that my family keeps you in our hearts. May the peace of Christ, which surpasses all understanding be with you all, now and always.
In Christ’s love
Janet, Todd, Brian and Jennifer
From Sue Bullis:
Dear Friends,
As you celebrate the 60th anniversary of Bethany Presbyterian Church, I want you to know that you are in my prayers and thoughts. I hope you have a weekend filled with friendship, inspiring worship, warm memories and dreams of new possibilities.
Bethany will always be considered my church home as it is the place where I grew in my faith as a child and teenager, met and married my husband Greg and baptized and raised my children Janine and Will. Three generations of Anderson and Bullis family members have had the privilege of experiencing spiritual nurture at Bethany and that is something we will always cherish.
At Bethany, I grew in faith, served in a variety of leadership positions and participated in the choir. After the explosion six years ago, I received much support and an outpouring of love. Your lovingkindness is what sustained Janine and I during those darkest hours.
I wish I could celebrate in person with you, however, I am on a trip to Boston and New York, where I will sing with a choral group. Our itinerary includes performing at Carnegie Hall. I will also visit the Culinary Institute of America in upstate New York. The CIA has formed a partnership and will train the budding chefs who qualify for the William Bullis scholarship each year.
I send my love and well wishes to you today as always. Know that I miss you very much.
With love, Sue
From Dorrie Swales:
Dear Bethany,
I can't believe so much time has passed! I have so many wonderful memories as the music director, and will never forget the amazing congregation I was so blessed to be a part of. If my choir family can believe it, I still have the card we did together at our first music retreat!
I have gone through quite a lot of change since moving to Southern California, fortunately all for the better. I currently run a private piano studio out of my home in Torrance. I have 35 students and we perform multiple recitals and service projects every year. I continue to study with a teacher from Cal State Long Beach who has been a great mentor to me.
Shortly after my move, I met my now husband, Chris and almost a year ago we welcomed our first baby, Jeremy Paul. Teaching privately has allowed me to spend a good portion of my day with him and it has been amazing watching him learn and grow.
I will always cherish my time at Bethany and hope to be reunited with you at some point in the near future! I would love for my husband and son to meet some of the very special people from my life at Bethany, share in worship, and hear some amazing choral (and Prayz!) music.
With love, Dorrie.
From Derek Tam:
Dear Bethany Church Family,
Congratulations on 60 years as a community! I wish I could be there today, but am celebrating with you all in spirit.
Currently, I am the music director at First Congregational Church of Berkeley, and I'm doing a fair amount of professional symphonic, ballet and opera conducting, which is very rewarding for me. I’ve seen some of you at various performances, and hope to see many more.
Here’s to 60 more years as a community rooted in love and justice!
Love and peace, Derek