Community Movie Night
Please join us on Saturday, November 2, for dinner before, and discussion after viewing the documentary Trigger: The Ripple Effect of Gun Violence, by award-winning filmmaker David Barnhart.
Like many communities across the nation, we are gravely concerned about gun violence in our community, and throughout the nation. The Presbyterian Church (USA) has recently produced a documentary titled Trigger: The Ripple Effect of Gun Violence, which examines the ripple effect one shooting has on a survivor, a family, a community, and a society. It is told from the perspectives of those who have been directly impacted and those who are called daily to respond to this ongoing tragedy.
Bethany will host a free, community-wide dinner and screening of Trigger on November 2. A simple lasagne dinner will be served at 5:30. Those who would like to share a dish may bring dessert. The 6:30 screening will be followed by a community discussion with those in attendance, about the film and what can be done in our community to prevent gun violence.
Please join us, and other concerned citizens and faith communities as we explore this issue, and how to add meaningful action to our thoughts and prayers.
As part of Bethany's Peacemaking Ministry we are offering this event to the entire community as a forum for information, reflection and discussion. About the film: "This documentary frames gun violence as both a disaster and a public health issue through the eyes of its victims. It addresses the critical issue of gun violence prevention by moving the conversation away from the polarizing extremes that have long dominated the debate and lifting up the voice and experiences of those who seek common ground and a new way forward."

Saturday, November 2, 5:30 - 8:00 p.m.