Spring Concert
The musicians of Bethany are gearing up for our second organ fundraising concert! Please mark your calendars for June 5, at 6:00 p.m., and tell all your friends - you won't want to miss this! A reception will follow the concert.
• Bethany Chancel Choir, the "Best Llittle Church Choir in the West"!
• Bethany Prayz
• Four on the Floor
• The Bethany Quartet
• and more!
Admission is free and open to the public! Please consider a tax-deductible donation to help Bethany purchase a new organ. (Suggested donation of $10 - $30.)
A very hearty thanks to all attended and contributed to our Christmas Concert; we raised just shy of $1,200.00 and we are well on our way to getting a new digital organ for the sanctuary. None of this possible without you! Let’s keep this going.