A long time ago, (April 29, 1987, to be precise) Lyn Hughes, Roberta Henry, Tamra Hollenbeck and Kathy Quickert got together and learned a song. It sounded okay! Thirty years later many, many things have changed in our lives, but we are still at it, still singing away!
To celebrate this milestone of joyful perseverance, you are all cordially invited to the Bethany Quartet's 30th Anniversary soirée on Saturday, July 29, at 4:00 p.m. We would be pleased and honored if you would join us in celebration of our faith, our sisterhood, and thirty years’ worth of music together. We will be joined in song with our friends, some of the many excellent musicians of the Bethany community.
As a thank you after the music, we’ll be spoiling all of your dinners with an ice cream social! Yum! We are hoping for a very special afternoon, and it will be even more so if YOU join us. We will accept donations to the Westminster Woods Campership fund, a cause we find very worthy, which helps kids get to Summer Camp. Please bring your family, friends and neighbors to help us celebrate 30 years!
Bethany Quartet Celebration