On Sunday, November 11, we will celebrate Bethany’s commitment to be a More Light Congregation. We will be pleased to welcome Jordan Decker. He will share a bit of his story, as well as what it means to say we are a More Light Church. He will also be available after worship, for a question and answer session during the coffee hour.
This service will lift up and re-affirm our commitment to being a welcoming church: our doors and arms are open to all people, without exception. We reach out to the community, raising hearts, hands and voices in thanksgiving and praise to God, so that it may be known: everyone is invited to “come as you are"!
Please plan to join us for this special hour of worship, and make sure to invite your friends and family!

About our guest: Jordan Decker is a nationally and internationally known speaker and educator on TransYouth Suicide prevention. His idea of living a private life was cut short when bans on Transgender peoples started coming from Washington. Having known the depths of bullying and suicidal ideation, knowing the “trickle down” affect on children, understanding the micro-aggressions in laws written against specific peoples, and learning that 57% of trans-youth will attempt suicide, Jordan stepped into the spotlight and out the closet once again! His current work encompasses the development of Trans HeartLine, a non-profit organization that educates and advocates for transgender and gender non-conforming humans in Faith communities as well as development of post-operation recovery homes for transitioning persons.