At the congregational meeting June 30th, the congregation of Bethany Presbyterian Church voted on the dissolution of Rev. Kathryn Pyke’s call as pastor of Bethany, along with her severance package. The meeting was moderated by Reverend Janet Bower, of the San Francisco Presbytery West Bay Committee on Ministry, and the motion passed.
Rev. Kathryn's Final Worship Service: Rev. Kathryn will preach her last Bethany sermon on Sunday, July 28. There will be beautiful music by both Chancel Choir and Prayz, some of Kathryn's favorite hymns, and a worship service of celebration and joy. Please plan to join together with the Bethany family and friends as we bid a fond farewell to Kathryn and Richard.
Luncheon Reception on Sunday, July 28: There will be a special luncheon reception in honor of Rev. Kathryn Pyke and Richard after worship on Sunday, July 28th. Please plan to join as we celebrate the ministry of Kathryn. A lovely lunch will be provided by members of Community Life/Action Committee, and there will be a basket available for cards and best wishes for the Pykes as they transition to the next phase of their ministries.

Kathryn Pyke's Farewell