A More Light Congregation

Bethany Presbyterian Church

We Do Liturgical Art

From time to time, something new appears in the sanctuary.  It might be seasonal items on the communion table, or stars hanging from the ceiling, but most often it is the seasonal banners which hang at the front of the sanctuary, over the chancel.  In 2014 a small band of crafty women created new banners for our celebration of Easter!

laying out the pieces
laying out the pieces
where is the long one?
where is the long one?
Donna finishes the top pocket
Donna finishes the top pocket
as precise as possible
as precise as possible
starting to look like something!
starting to look like something!
pin, pin, pin
pin, pin, pin
pin, pin…
pin, pin…
pin pin…
pin pin…
now, about that place where it all meets
now, about that place where it all meets
expertly mitered
expertly mitered
beautifully done!
beautifully done!
now the green rays of life from the Source of our faith
now the green rays of life from the Source of our faith
and the piping
and the piping
having in the chancel, as we had imagined
having in the chancel, as we had imagined
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!

(Click on any photo below to enlarge, or to begin the slideshow.)